Title: Can you say or sing the Pokémon BW this fast?
Takeshi Tsuruno (つるの剛士) posted a link on his official blog to a video on his YouTube account of him singing his song Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな? BW) very very fast. Can you say or sing the Pokémon BW this fast?
Title: Re: Can you say or sing the Pokémon BW this fast?
This makes Hara Hara Relay seem slow. He must have been on 100 cans of Red Bull to sing that fast. It also makes the standard version of this song seem really really slow.
Title: Re: Can you say or sing the Pokémon BW this fast?
Hey, that guy got a GBA Micro! Too bad he didn't have a Pokémon skin, though... would have been really neat if he had!
Anyway, I'm quite impressed by his performance... I wish we had this 'version' for the anime, I really don't like the normal one (which seems rather slow compared to this one, indeed!).
So, when is he going to do a version with all 600+ Pokémon?! :)