Title: Re: Magna Pacific Announces Victini Movies and Black and Whi...
So, let me get this straight... not only the movies won't be available in blu-Ray as previously announced, but they'll also sell both separately? Hope I'm mistaken, because that's some pretty bad news for Australian fans : /
Title: Re: Magna Pacific Announces Victini Movies and Black and Whi...
Quote From: Chance
So, let me get this straight... not only the movies won't be available in blu-Ray as previously announced, but they'll also sell both separately? Hope I'm mistaken, because that's some pretty bad news for Australian fans : /
Yeah, they will definitely be sold separately and there is no word on a Blu-ray version of either movie. It should be noted though that the movies in Australia have always intended to be sold separately even when they first announced it last year.
Title: Re: Magna Pacific Announces Victini Movies and Black and Whi...
Pfff, that is really stupid that they're being sold separately. That makes me less inclined to even buy them at all now - I don't really feel like buying basically the same movie twice. Though knowing Magna Pacific, they will probably release a double pack later on . . .