Junichi Masuda has confirmed that he will be on this weeks
Pokémon Smash #73 - The King of the Forbidden Forest! Fushigibana!! / Both Robert and the International Division Participate in the Pokémon Quiz Caravan in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture / A Rayquaza Duel in Group Member Baba's Elite Four Battle! (禁断の森の王者! フシギバナ!! / 宮城県仙台市でポケモンクイズキャラバン、ロバートやインターナショナル部も参加 / 四天王バトルは馬場隊員、レックウザ対決!) despite the previews or previously released information about the episode not even mentioning it at all.
On February 7th, 2010's episode of
Pokémon Sunday, episode #277,
Junichi Masuda appeared on the show to introduce new games that GameFreak had been working on for four years. The titles of the games were not announced on that appearance but they ended up being
Pokémon Black and White (ポケットモンスター ブラック・ホワイト). He also revealed a silhouette which ended up being
This time last year on
Pokémon Smash #21, GameFreak Game Designer Shigeki Morimoto (森本茂樹) was on the show but he did not announce anything and just helped the Smash crew with their battling skills. Masuda insists though that he
"will be making a VERY important announcement, so be sure not to miss it!! Watch it live on TV!. Below is Junichi Masuda's blog post.
HIDDEN POWER of masuda Director's Columns - No.221 (English)
IMPORTANT NEWS!! On this coming Sunday, Februrary 26, 2012, from 7:30 A.M, I, Masuda, will be appearing on TV TOKYO’s Show, “Pokémon Smash!”
Not only that. And there… I will be making a VERY important announcement, so be sure not to miss it!! Watch it live on TV!
And, for those of you who can’t watch television on live, I will announce the same information right after the show via
twitter!! Everyone, I hope you all enjoy the show!! Ciao!
*TV program “Pokémon Smash!” can be seen only in Japan.
Movie 15 Poster
A new
Pocket Monsters Movie 15 Kyurem VS the Sacred Swordsman Keldeo (キュレムVS聖剣士ケルディオ) poster has been revealed by the
Japanese website emifull.jp. The poster reveals what appears to be two new
Kyurem (キュレム) formes as well as announces the return of the shorts to the cinema.
Meloetta's Sparkling Recital (メロエッタのキラキラリサイタル) is the 15th movie short and will debut with the movie as part of a double feature screening. It is unclear if their will be an ANA short this year or not now.

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Pokémon Smash #73
The Pokémon Smash announcer started off the show revealing that "we got super ultra special news for you" and the screen captions indicated that it would be game related. A brief clip of
Junichi Masuda was shown of him revealing the news on a card but it was covered over with a big question mark. The segment where
Junichi Masuda revealed what was on that card is at the end of the show. After the Pokémon Library episode,
Shoko-tan then announced that
Junichi Masuda's announcement would be near the end of the show.

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During the marketing department segment after the viewer battle,
Junichi Masuda finally showed up to make his big announcement. Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 (ポケットモンスター ブラック2・ホワイト2) were announced by Masuda and that they are Nintendo DS games and they will be released in
June 2012. This seems to indicate that they will not have 3DS features. The names of the new Pokémon or new formes were not announced but further details will be revealed on next weeks episode of Smash. They appear to be
Kyurem (キュレム) formes mixed with
Zekrom (ゼクロム) and
Reshiram (レシラム).

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Official Japanese Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 (ポケットモンスター ブラック2・ホワイト2) Website Launched
Just after Smash finished airing, the
official Japanese Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 (ポケットモンスター ブラック2・ホワイト2) website launched. It announced the date for the games release as well as showed off the two new Pokémon.

Click on image for higher resolution
Official English Pokémon Website Announces Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 Versions
Pokémon fans, get excited for two incredible new adventures! Announcing Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2, coming soon for the Nintendo DS™ family of systems. The games can also be played in 2D on the Nintendo 3DS™ system.
Masuda's Further Tweets
Shortly after the airing of the episode, Masuda announced on his Twitter account that the new Legendary Pokémon were named
Black Kyurem (ブラックキュレム) and
White Kyurem (ホワイトキュレム), hinting that these new powers were somehow related to Zekrom and Reshiram.