Title: Bolteuroseu and Toneroseu to be Distributed on Korean Ninten...
The official Korean website has announced that
Bolteuroseu (볼트로스) and
Toneroseu (토네로스) will be distributed via the Korean Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection from
May 14th, 2012 @ 10:00 until July 5th, 2012 @ 23:59.
Like the Japanese distribution, the Pokémon are being distributed to promote the two anime episodes
Tornelos VS Voltolos VS Landlos! that air on Tooniverse May 24th, 2012. Players of Pokémon Black can receive Bolteuroseu while players of Pokémon White can receive Toneroseu.
Bolteuroseu (볼트로스) is level 70, is holding a Revival Herb and knows:
Hammer Arm,
Focus Blast and
Wild Charge while
Toneroseu (토네로스) is also level 70, is holding a Revival Herb and knows:
Hammer Arm,
Air Slash and
Hidden Power.