Starting September 20th, 2012, the Pokémon Center stores in Japan will be selling a line of Pikachu-themed kitchen appliances. An Imageboard thread of all the merchandise has been posted and
can be viewed by clicking here. The full set will include a number of items:
The items are as follows:
- Children's chef's knife w/guard (Pikachu) (子ども包丁カバー付き Pikachu) - 1,750 yen (will go on sale September 29th)
- Cutting board/cutting board sheet set (Pikachu) (ダイカットまな板&まな板シート Pikachu) - 1,500 yen
- Ladle (Pikachu) (お玉 Pikachu) - 950 yen
- Pasta fork (Pikachu) (パスタサーバー Pikachu) -950 yen
- Slotted spatula (Pikachu) (穴あきターナー Pikachu) - 950 yen
- Enameled pot w/lid (Pikachu) (ホーロー片手鍋 Pikachu) - 3,900 yen
- Enameled kettle w/lid (Pikachu) (ホーローケトル Pikachu) - 3,900 yen
- Set of 2 plastic containers /w lids (Pikachu) (シール容器2個セット Pikachu) - 780 yen
- Mug (Pikachu) (マグカップ Pikachu) - 1,000 yen

Cutting board/cutting board sheet set (Pikachu) (ダイカットまな板&まな板シート Pikachu) - 1,500 yen / Enameled pot (Pikachu) (ホーロー片手鍋 Pikachu) - 3,900 yen

Enameled kettle (Pikachu) (ホーローケトル Pikachu) - 3,900 yen