Home / Episode Guide / The Ties That Bind/けっしょうトーナメント! フルバトル6VS6!!/Decisive Tournament! Full Battle 6 VS 6!!

English Official Summary

Ash is about to take on his long time rival, Gary Oak, in the next battle of the Johto League Silver Conference, and he's determined to do everything he can to win. He stays up all night researching strategies and trying to learn more about Gary's Pokémon. Gary has a lot of strong Pokémon, and he trains many different types, so Ash has to pick his team carefully. Gary starts out with Nidoqueen, and Ash uses Tauros. Gary wins the first round, but Ash takes the second. It's going to be a very close match! In round three, it's Ash's Heracross versus Gary's Blastoise. Who will win? (To be continued!)

Italian Official Summary

Ash deve affrontare Gary, il suo eterno rivale, nella prossima sfida alla Conferenza Argento della Lega di Johto ed è determinato a fare tutto il possibile per vincere.

Portuguese Official Summary

Agora é Ash versus seu velho rival, Gary, na Conferência de Prata da Liga Johto, e ambos os treinadores estão prontos para dar tudo de si. Mas quem sairá no topo?

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Es Ash contra su más antiguo rival, Gary, en la Conferencia Plateada de la Liga Johto, y ambos Entrenadores están listos para dar todo lo que tienen. Pero, ¿quién saldrá victorioso?

Spanish Official Summary

Ash está a punto de enfrentarse a su adversario de hace tiempo, Gary Oak, en el siguiente combate del Congreso Plata de la Liga Johto, y está decidido a hacer todo lo que pueda para ganar.

English Great Britian Official Summary

Ash is about to take on his long time rival, Gary Oak, in the next battle of the Johto League Silver Conference, and he's determined to do everything he can to win. He stays up all night researching strategies and trying to learn more about Gary's Pokémon. Gary has a lot of strong Pokémon, and he trains many different types, so Ash has to pick his team carefully. Gary starts out with Nidoqueen, and Ash uses Tauros. Gary wins the first round, but Ash takes the second. It's going to be a very close match! In round three, it's Ash's Heracross versus Gary's Blastoise. Who will win? (To be continued!)

Dutch Official Summary

Het is Ash tegen zijn oudste rivaal Gary, in de Johto League Silver Conference en beide Trainers zijn van plan alles te geven. Maar wie zal dit winnen?

French Official Summary

Sacha s'apprête à affronter son éternel rival, Régis, dans le prochain combat de la Conférence Argentée de la Ligue Johto. Et il est prêt à tout pour gagner.

German Official Summary

Ash steht im Rahmen der Johto-Liga-Silberkonferenz kurz vor dem Kampf gegen seinen alten Rivalen Gary. Er ist entschlossen, sich den Sieg zu holen.