The official Pokémon Cafe sub-site has announced a new menu of items to celebrate the 1st anniversary of the restaurant. A campaign commemorating the 1st anniversary of the opening will be held but details will be announced at a later date. These special menu items will be available at the Pokémon Cafe for a limited time from Thursday, March 14th, 2019 until Friday, April 26th, 2019.

Cherry Blossom Afro Pikachu's Marshmallow Cake / 桜アフロのピカチュウのマシュマロケーキ - 1,706 yen (tax included)

Cherry Blossom Afro Pikachu's Choose Pokémon Latte / 選べるポケモンラテ 桜アフロのピカチュウ - 734 yen (tax included)

Fushigidane's Vegetable Burger / フシギダネのベジタブルバーガー - 1,490 yen (tax included)

Roast Beef Volcano Plate with Lizardon / リザードンとローストビーフ火山プレート - 1,598 yen (tax included)

Zenigame's Frothing Parfait / ゼニガメのあわあわパフェ - 1,274 yen (tax included)
New Grand Menu Items:

Mew's Fluffy Marshmallow Drink / ミュウのふわもこマシュマロドリンク - 1,058 yen (tax included)

Freezer's Float Drink / フリーザーのフロートドリンク - 864 yen (tax included)

Thunder's Float Drink / サンダーのフロートドリンク - 864 yen (tax included)

Fire's Float Drink / ファイヤーのフロートドリンク - 864 yen (tax included)