Home / News Articles / Movie 19 Blog Updates with Fourteenth Installment of 'Playback the XY&Z'
The official Pokémon movie blog has updated. We have added a section collecting every single blog entry for easy browsing. Translations of the new entry follows:

Playback the XY&Z #014: Squishy

This year's Pokémon movie is the final chapter in the XY&Z series.
Many battles have been fought with the Kalos region as its setting,
so let us do a playback of those emotions and those battles!!

First broadcast December 24th, 2015:
"Terminus Cave! The Mystery of Z is Set in Motion!!"
Having been cornered by the Flare Gang, Squishy unleashes its power!
It blows the Flare Gang back with a single hit from Land's Wrath!!
But then, Squishy ran off somewhere...

The next episode of "Pocket Monsters XY&Z", where Squishy will be playing an active role as well, is
"The Shocking Zygarde VS Zygarde! The Breaking World!!", airing Thursday September 1st

Source: http://www.pokemon-movie.jp/pokemovie_ch/?p=3042
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