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Pokémon Masters EX - Master Sync Pair 5★ Lillie Anniversary 2021 & Lunala

The Lillie Master Fair scout has returned to Pokémon Masters EX! 5★ Lillie (Anniversary 2021) & Lunala are back! You can get items as presents based on how many times you use the ×11 scout! Using this paid-gem-only scout, you’ll get a Tech Roll Cake the first time you team up with 5★ Lillie (Ann...

Pokémon Masters Day - February 25th, 2025

Pokémon Masters Day Today is Pokémon Masters Day! To celebrate, there will be a special event and Scouts! The Special Monthly Event Pokémon Masters Day is under way, along with two discounted scouts! You can log in during the event to receive special presents from Pikachu! Everyone gets origin...

Pokémon Masters EX - Update 2.54.0

Pokémon Masters Update 2.54.0 is now out which includes minor bug fixes and improvements. Our Pokémon Masters patches page has been updated with the details of this update. The voice actors from this patch have also been indexed and added to our Staff database. Update Notification A new vers...

Pokémon Masters EX - Meow Meow Meow!

Meow Meow Meow! has returned! Collect Eggs to hatch Meowth, Alolan Meowth, and Galarian Meowth! Meow Meow Meow! Meow Meow Meow! Is Back! Receive Eggs That Hatch Meowth! In this event, you can receive Eggs that hatch various forms of Meowth! Note: During this event period, you cannot recei...

Pokémon Masters EX - Ranked Damage Event Super Sparring No. 7 / Juliana and Florian’s Friends Tiered

Ranked Damage Event: Super Sparring No. 7 is live in Pokémon Masters EX! Battle with your hardest-hitting sync pairs to climb the ranks! You can collect Training Tickets as event rewards and use them in the Training Ticket Exchange to team up with special sync pairs and get co-op sync orbs! The T...

Pokémon Masters EX - Egg Battle Event Aim to Be an Egg Master

The Egg Battle Event: Aim to Be an Egg Master is now live! Form sync pairs with Pokémon you hatch from Eggs to complete the missions and earn rewards! In this event, you can also get Eggs that hatch into either Normal- or Fire-type Pokémon! Egg Battle Event Aim to Be an Egg Master Egg Battle...

Pokémon Masters EX - Extreme Battle Event Take On the Talented Friends / 5★ Florian & Miraidon

The Florian Master Fair Scout is now live in Pokémon Masters EX! 5★ Florian & Miraidon debut! You can get items as presents based on how many times you use the ×11 scout! When you use this paid-gem-only scout, you’ll get a Tech Roll Cake the first time you team up with 5★ Florian & Miraidon! Use it ...

Pokémon Masters EX - Run-Up to 5.5 Years Rally Under Way! / Master Sync Pair 5★ Juliana & Koraidon

The Story Event: Five Friends’ Treasure Hunt is live in Pokémon Masters EX! Juliana and Florian arrive on Pasio! Embark on an exciting journey with them to search for new treasures! You can collect event points to get sync pair-exclusive lucky cookies! The Juliana Master Fair Scout is now li...

Pokémon Masters EX - Villain Event Go, Go, Team Flare! / Battle Event Challenge the Hope of Kalos

The Villain Event: Go, Go, Team Flare! has returned to Pokémon Masters EX! You can collect Xerneas Crystals and use them to give Professor Sycamore & Xerneas a power boost! You can also get 5★ Kalos Scout Tickets and other items from the item exchange! The Extreme Battle Event: Challenge the Hope...

Pokémon Masters EX - Villain Event Battle! Friends from Kalos / Into the Blazing Chamber

The Villain Event: Battle! Friends from Kalos has returned to Pokémon Masters EX! You can get Legendary Spirit to raise Professor Sycamore & Xerneas to 6★ EX! You can also get 5★ Kalos Scout Tickets, 5★ Scout Tickets, and other items from the item exchange! The Super Spotlight Poké Fair Scout is ...

Pokémon Masters EX - Special Sync Pair Event Sweet and Fancy

Special Sync Pair Event: Sweet and Fancy has returned! You can team up with one of seven different Alcremie during this event—one more than last time! You can’t change your choice later, so pick carefully. Special Sync Pair Event Sweet and Fancy Watch the event’s story and team up with Main...

Pokémon Masters EX - Special Battle Event Battle with a Theme Team / One-Time-Only Fair-Exclusive

The Special Battle Event: Battle with a Theme Team is now live in Pokémon Masters EX! You can get a strike move candy coin and other items by completing new battles that are added daily! Special Event Celebration One-Time-Only Fair-Exclusive Guaranteed Scout. When you use this one-time-only ×11 s...

Pokémon Masters EX - Triple Feature Poké Fair Scout / Epic Battle Event Legendary Gauntlet No. 5

The Triple Feature Poké Fair Scout is live in Pokémon Masters EX! 5★ Sygna Suit Korrina & Marshadow, 5★ Eusine & Suicune, and 5★ Ingo & Excadrill are featured in this scout! You can team up with these fair-exclusive sync pairs once again! The Epic Battle Event: Legendary Gauntlet No. 5 is now liv...

Pokémon Masters EX - Ultimate Battle Wally’s Sensing Swords

Ultimate Battle: Wally’s Sensing Swords bursts forth! To find this battle, go to the Explore screen, tap the Side Area button, then tap Challenge the Strong! Optimize your sync grids and upgrade your gear—this battle is tough! Ultimate Battle Wally’s Sensing Swords Ultimate Battle Wally’s Se...

Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event Victor’s Cooking Class! / Seasonal Tiered Scout

The Story Event: Victor’s Cooking Class! has returned to Pokémon Masters EX! See what Victor’s cooking up for Palentine’s Day! You can get heartwarming Trainer Lodge art, a Special Skill Feather, and other items from this event’s item exchange! The Super Spotlight Seasonal Scout is now live—featu...

Pokémon Masters EX - 5★ Erika Palentine’s 2025 & Lurantis Seasonal Scout

5★ Erika (Palentine’s 2025) & Lurantis debut! The paid-gems-only Erika Seasonal Tiered Scout is also live! You can scout to advance up the tiers and get a ticket at Tier 10 to team up with Erika (Palentine’s 2025) & Lurantis guaranteed! Erika Seasonal Scout Erika (Palentine's 2025) & Luranti...

Pokémon Masters EX - Monthly Poké Fair Scout Vol. 30 - 5★ Diantha & Gardevoir

Monthly Poké Fair Scout Vol. 30 is now live! The Monthly Poké Fair Scout features one fair-exclusive sync pair that changes every month! This month’s spotlight rightfully falls on 5★ Diantha & Gardevoir! A new guest has arrived! You can invite Diantha to the Trainer Lodge after you team u...

Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event Tiny Courage, Big Thanks / 5★ Marley Palentine's 2025 & Shaymin

As an extra-special Palentine’s Day gift, KAMIJIMA Iku created this spectacular Pokemon Masters Artwork of Marley and Erika in their darling new Palentine’s Day outfits! The Story Event: Tiny Courage, Big Thanks is live in Pokémon Masters EX! A Pokémon shyly watches Marley and Erika as they ...

Pokémon Masters EX - Gym Scout A

Gym Scout A is now live in Pokémon Masters EX! New sync pairs 5★ Grusha & Beartic, 5★ Brock & Kabutops, and 5★ Winona & Altaria are featured! You can use Gym Scout Tickets A to team up with these special new sync pairs! Gym Scout A Team up with Sync Pairs in the newly added Gym Scout A! 5★ G...

Pokémon Masters EX - Trainer Gyms

Joining and Establishing a Trainer Gym and Interacting. You can establish your own Trainer Gym or join one that’s already established! You can also complete gym missions with your fellow gym members and interact on the message board. About Trainer Gyms In Trainer Gyms, you can interac...