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Rainbow Rocket Gang - Pokémon Center Campaign

From January 20th, 2018 until March 11th, 2018, the Rainbow Rocket Gang Campaign (レインボーロケット団の野望 キャンペーン) will take place at the Pokémon Centers and Pokémon Stores nationwide in Japan. A bunch of new goods, event Pokémon distributions and staff members dressed up as the bosses of Rainbow Rocket Ga...

Lana Nendoroid (ねんどろいど スイレン)

GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP and the Japanese Pokémon Center Online have announced that pre-orders for a Lana Nendoroid (ねんどろいど スイレン) will be open from Friday, December 1st, 2017 at 14:00JST until Thursday, January 11th, 2018 at 12:00JST for GOODSMILE and from Friday, December 1st, 2017 at 14:00JST until ...

Alternate-Colored Silvady Campaign (煌めきのシルヴァディキャンペーン)

From September 22nd, 2017 until October 16th, 2017, participating Apita Piago, AEON, AEON Supercenters, AEON STYLE, AEON Retail Stores, Ito-Yokado, EDION, Geo, Joshin Denki, TSUTAYA, Tay Two, Toys "R" Us, Nojima, Bic Camera, Kojima, Sofmap, Fuji, Futaba Tosho, Heiwado, Yamada Denki, Yodobashi Ca...

Disguise Yourself! The Pikapika Ghost Carnival!

From Friday, September 22nd, 2017 until Thursday, November 16th, 2017, the Pokémon Centers and Pokémon Stores nationwide in Japan will be holding the Disguise Yourself! The Pikapika Ghost Carnival! (化ける!ピカピカゴーストパーティ!) campaign. Pikachu, Kiteruguma and Mimikyu have been invited to the Ghost ty...

Pokémon GO Plus Deluxe Set

On Wednesday, August 9th, 2017, the Pokémon GO Plus Deluxe Set (Pokémon GO Plus デラックスセット) will be available to purchase at the Pokémon Centers and Pokémon Stores. The pack includes a Pokémon GO Plus which allows you to play Pokémon GO without having to keep watching the screen of your smartphone. Th...

Pokémon Store - emifull MASAKI

The official Japanese Pokémon website has announced that a new Pokémon Store will open at emifull MASAKI in Ehime Prefecture, Japan. It is scheduled to open on Friday, September 22nd 2017 at 9:00. The Pokémon Store will carry some of the official products available at the Pokémon Centers. The abo...

Pokémon GO Plus Exclusive Ring Option

The official Japanese Pokémon website has announced that the Pokémon GO Plus Exclusive Ring Option (Pokémon GO Plus 専用 リングオプション) will go on sale on July 15th, 2017 for 400 yen only at the Pokémon Centers, Pokémon Stores and the Pokémon Center Online. The ring attaches to the back of a Pokémon GO...

Pokkén Tournament DX - Japanese Pre-Order Bonuses

The official Japanese Pokémon website has announced the pre-order bonuses for Pokkén Tournament DX for the Nintendo Switch. From Wednesday, June 7th, 2017 at 12:00 until September 21st, 2017, the Pokémon Centers, Pokémon Stores and the Pokémon Center Online will accept reservations for the Pokkén To...

Japan Expo 2017 - World premiere of the 20th Pokémon Movie - Report

Japan Expo 2017 took place from July 6th, 2017 until July 9th, 2017 at the Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre in Paris, France. The world premiere of Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You! was held on July 6th, 2017 at Yuka. A Movie Rollout Pre-Screening was held Sunday July 2nd 2017, at Tokyo Dome C...

Eievui and Colorful Friends (イーブイとカラフルフレンズ)

The Eievui and Colorful Friends (イーブイとカラフルフレンズ) campaign will be held from May 13th, 2017 until July 17th, 2017 at the Pokémon Centers and Pokémon Stores nationwide in Japan. There are lots of fun events such as presents visitors can get when they come to the stores. In addition, the Pokémon Cen...

Kapu-Kokeko Campaign

The official Japanese Pokémon website has announced the Kapu-Kokeko Campaign (カプ・コケコキャンペーン) will be held starting on March 17th, 2017 in Japan. Kapu-Kokeko related products and promo presents will be available throughout the campaign. Kapu-Kokeko is a Pokémon that appears in the Nintendo 3DS gam...

Pikachu's Easter 2017 - Sparkling Spring Festival Campaign at the Pokémon Centers and Stores

The official Japanese Pokémon website has announced the full details for Pikachu's Easter - Sparkling Spring Festival Campaign (ピカピカ春祭りキャンペーン) which will take place from March 18th, 2017 until April 9th, 2017 at the Pokémon Centers and Stores in Japan. As part of the campaign, new cute spring t...

Saori's Kairiky - Event Pokémon Distribution

The official Japanese Pokémon website has announced a tie-in Event Pokémon Distribution with an advertising campaign for Pokémon Sun and Moon with Olympic Gold Medalist Saori Yoshida (吉田 沙保里) that began in late January 2017. Saori is a highly decorated Japanese freestyle wrestler and the commerc...

Pokémon Center Sapporo Alolan Rokon - Event Pokémon Distribution

As part of the opening festivities for the Pokémon Center Sapporo, an Alolan Rokon was distributed as a present to visitors of the Pokémon Center with Pokémon Sun or Moon from December 1st, 2016 until January 31st, 2017. That Alolan Rokon will now be distributed at all the Pokémon Centers and Po...

Pokémon Center Occupation Plan (ポケモンセンター占拠計画)

The official Japanese Pokémon website announced a massive Pokémon Center and Pokémon Store event that takes place through October and November 2016. The Pokémon Center Occupation Plan (ポケモンセンター占拠計画) features the 6 major gangs: Rocket, Magma, Aqua, Ginga, Plasma and Flare from the Pokémon franchise t...

Pokémon Store Chūbu Centrair International Airport Shop

The official Japanese Pokémon website announced that a new Pokémon Store (ポケモンストア) location will open in mid-August of 2016. The Pokémon Store Chūbu Centrair International Airport Shop (ポケモンストア 中部国際空港店) will be located at the airport. Source: http://voice.pokemon.co.jp/stv/store/2016/06/post-...

Pokémon Elections 720 - Baokkie Event Pokémon Distribution

Baokkie placed 720th in the recent Pokémon Elections 720 results. In an attempt to increase its popularity and its disappointing election results, Baokkie will be distributed to players of X, Y, Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire at all the Pokémon Centers and Pokémon Stores in Japan from Saturday June 25...

Aeon Mall Tokoname Pokémon Store (ポケモンストア イオンモール常滑店)

The Aeon Mall Tokoname Pokémon Store (ポケモンストア イオンモール常滑店) will open in Aichi Prefecture on December 4th, 2015. It was announced on the official Pokémon website on November 6th, 2015. It is located close to the Central Japan International Airport which makes it convenient for travelers looking to purc...

Pokémon World Championships 2015 Winning Bangiras

From November 7th, 2015 until December 6th, 2015, all Pokémon Center, Pokémon Stores and the Hokuriku Oyabe Pokémon Store Outlet will be distributing an alternate-colored Bangiras that matches the one that Kotone Yasue used to become the Junior Division Pokémon World Champion. It will be distributed...


The LET CHU GO DDP! event will be held at Dongdaemun Design Plaza in Seoul, South Korea from October 7th, 2015 until October 11th, 2015. Four different events will take place as part of the festivities. The LET CHU GO DDP! event will be similar in style to the Great Pikachu Outbreak! event that took...