アニメディア 2024年9月号
Publisher: IID
Author: IID
Release Date: 2024-08-08
Pages: 146
Price: 1,100 yen
The official Animedia Twitter account
posted tweets on August 1st, 2024 and August 7th, 2024,
promoting the September 2024 Issue. The official website also had a
page dedicated to this issue.
It's an Olympic year, so we're promoting Pokémon articles in various languages. Animedia's Oct issue (out Aug 8) is a special Pokémon TV anime feature, with exclusive cover art, in-depth articles, and a free Pokémon clear file supplement! If you're in Japan, grab your copy now!
The cover and lead feature of the September issue of Animedia, which goes on sale on August 8th, 2024, is the TV anime Pocket Monsters! The cover features illustrations of Liko & Nyarote, as well as Chili & Dooh. It also comes with a special clear file with the cover illustration on both sides.
8月8日発売のアニメディア9月号の表紙&巻頭特集はテレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」 ! 表紙は リコ & ニャローテ 、 チリ&ドオー のイラストが目印です 表紙イラストを両面に使用した特製クリアファイルもついてきます アニポケ
We interviewed
Minori Suzuki,
Yuka Terasaki,
Yoshino Aoyama,
Kohsuke Toriumi,
Ryōtarō Okiayu,
Mitsuki Saiga,
Miria Takagishi, and
Chiaki Kobayashi! We look back on the Terastal Debut Arc with a focus on the exhibition matches with the Elite Four.
巻頭特集では 鈴木みのり さん、寺崎裕香 さん、青山吉能 さん 鳥海浩輔 さん、置鮎龍太郎 さん、斎賀みつき さん、高岸美里亜 さん 小林千晃 さんにインタビューを敢行! 四天王 との交流戦を中心に「テラスタルデビュー編」を振り返ります アニメディア9月号
On August 11th, 2024, artist
RIE posted their draft art on Twitter.
I drew the submission corner illustration for the September issue of Animedia.
(The attached image is the draft.)
It's a free page in the e-book sample, so you can see the finished product!
Q: Dot and Kuwassu are missing.
A: The deadline was tight so it was risky to increase the number of people. I'm sorry. I'm a fan of Kuwassu.
アニメディア9月号 投稿コーナーの扉絵を描かせていただきました。(添付画像は下書き時のものです)