The correct answer is revealed after a 3-second countdown scene that shows Pikachu holding pom-poms.
Answer (こたえ): A Dirteng. (ダーテング)
Hosted by Masato.
The correct answer is revealed after a 3-second countdown scene that shows Pikachu holding pom-poms.
Answer (こたえ): She is throwing a flying disc (frisbee). (フライングディスク 【フリスビー】)
Hosted by Takeshi.
After a 3-second countdown, the answer is revealed to be "2". The number of dakuten used in the Pokémon's names was what the viewers should have used in order to find out what the correct answer to this question was.
Hosted by Professor Okido.
After a 3-second countdown, the answer is revealed to be "3". The number of handakuten used in the Pokémon's names was what the viewers should have used in order to find out what the correct answer to this question was.
Hosted by Satoshi.
After a 3-second countdown, the correct answer is revealed to be Miniryu (ミニリュウ). The four other Pokémon shown are of the Water type, while Miniryu (ミニリュウ) is a Dragon type Pokémon and thus doesn't belong in the group.
Hosted by Professor Okido.
After a 3-second countdown, the correct answer is revealed to be Rokon (ロコン). The four other Pokémon shown are evolutions of Eievui (イーブイ), while Rokon (ロコン) isn't and thus doesn't belong in the group.
Hosted by Takeshi.
After a 3-second countdown, the wrong answers start getting highlighted while the VTR is being replayed once more. The correct answer for this game is Ruriri (ルリリ) and Nyorotono (ニョロトノ).
Hosted by Haruka.