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高野麻里佳 (Marika Kohno)

高野麻里佳 (Marika Kohno)
First Name: 麻里佳 Marika
Last Name: 高野 Kohno
Main Country: Japan Japan
Main Language: Japanese
Birthdate: 1994-02-22
Age : 31
Marika Kohno is a Japanese voice actor and singer that is affiliated with the talent agency AONI PRO. Her Twitter account is: @marika_0222.

Press Release Comments - September 20th, 2024

A press release was posted on September 20th, 2024, which announced additional cast member for the Rayquaza Rising arc. A comment from Marika Kohno, the voice of Sazare:

It's no exaggeration to say that Pokémon was the start of my voice acting life. It's already been an entire 10 years since I first started saying I'll take any role I get offered if it's in the Pokémon anime, and I never thought I'd actually get to play Sazare-san of all characters. I'm a gamer myself, and Sazare-san was a very memorable character to me due to her rewarding story in the Pocket Monsters Scarlet/Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Zero video game. While she looks very cool and aloof at first glance, I hope my voice will make her come across as sociable and kind. Just like everyone else that know her from the game, I'm looking forward to seeing how she'll get involved with Liko and the others. I can't spoil too much, but... I really want to get to know her better, you know! I hope you'll all come to love Sazare-san through the anime alongside me!

ポケモンは私の声優人生の始まりと言っても過言ではありません。「ポケモンに出られるならどんな役でもやります!」と言い続けて早10年。まさかサザレさんを演じさせていただけるとは思ってもいませんでした。ゲーム『ポケットモンスター スカーレット・バイオレット ゼロの秘宝』で、やりごたえのあるストーリーだっただけに、ゲーマーの私にとっては思い出深いキャラクターです。一見クールなお姉さんですが、私の声で人懐っこい優しい人に聴こえたら良いなと思っています。
Characters Portrayed
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Evelyn
  • Japan ルスワール
  • Japan Lesoir
  • Japan Lesoir
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Perrin
  • Japan サザレ
  • Japan Sazare
  • Japan Sazare