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くにのぶ じゅんせい (Junsei Kuninobu)

くにのぶ じゅんせい (Junsei Kuninobu)
First Name: じゅんせい Junsei
Last Name: くにのぶ Kuninobu
Main Country: Japan Japan
Main Language: Japanese
Junsei Kuninobu is a GAME FREAK employee that is a TCG Artist and UI Designer for some of the Pokémon games.

Junsei Kuninobu entered the game industry in 1999 and has been involved in game production ever since. For the first 12 years, he worked on consumer game development at a major game company. At first, he just wanted to show everyone what he'd made, but gradually he became more conscious of the users. So he became interested in social games with a large number of users, and worked at a major social game company for about two and a half years.
His main occupation has always been UI, but in his previous job before working at GAME FREAK was in charge of running a smartphone game, and he also had experience in management.

1999年にゲーム業界に入り、それ以降一貫してゲーム制作に携わっています。最初の12年は大手ゲーム会社でコンシューマーゲーム開発に従事。当初は「自分の作ったものをみんなに見せたい!」という一心だったのですが、だんだんユーザーを強く意識するようになって。それで、ユーザー数の多いソーシャルゲームに興味を持ち、大手ソーシャルゲーム会社で2年半ほど就業しました。 職種としてはずっとUIがメインですが、前職ではスマホゲームの運営を任され、数字にコミットしたマネジメントも経験しています。
Characters Portrayed
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Guzma
  • Japan グズマ
  • Japan Guzma
  • Japan Guzma
TCG Cards
#229: Guzma & Hala
Ultra Rare
Role Media Title
TCG Artist
Sun & Moon Cosmic Eclipse #229: Guzma & Hala