Title: Re: Special 130:アニメ「ポケットモンスター」サトシとピカチュウの冒険・最終章!直前スペシャル!!!/An...
TV Tokyo / TXN affiliates all had this special titled in their program guides as "ポケットモンスター めざせポケモンマスター 特別編" or "Pocket Monsters Mezase Pokémon Master Special Edition", though the actual title is shown at the start of the broadcast.
PM.net's DVD Consultant aka The King of DVDs! I'm reachable through the #PM Discord if you'd like to pick my brain on anything Pokémon home media!
While not clear (and shouldn't be taken as fact), this special appears to be a YouTube-only cut of Specials 58 & 59 (ポケモン!ナルト!夏休み2大アニメ映画 みどころ大公開スペシャル! ) with the YouTube upload containing the "Pokémon-only" segments. Seems that no site staff from around this time can remember if this is the case or not and it's likely we never got a recording of these specials off of TV.
This is just a pretty standard movie airing with the only differences from the version that ended up on home media being the commercial breaks they slotted in. Pretty standard.
Only interesting part is the Movie 13 Zoroark preview at the end. I added pictures to the db specifically just for the preview itself.
PM.net's DVD Consultant aka The King of DVDs! I'm reachable through the #PM Discord if you'd like to pick my brain on anything Pokémon home media!