Pictures from the latest CoroCoro issue are now available which show a bunch of new information about the upcoming Nintendo DS games
Pokémon Black and White (ポケットモンスター ブラック・ホワイト). Below is the new revealed information from the issue.
- New Pokémon: Chillarmie (チラーミィ), the Chinchilla Pokémon (チンチラポケモン). This Normal-type Pokémon is 0.4m tall and weighs 5.8kg. Its abilities are Cute Charm (メロメロボディ) and Technician (テクニシャン). It knows the move Sweep Slap (スイープビンタ) which allows it to attack multiple times.
- New Pokémon: Gearl (ギアル), the Gear Pokémon (はぐるまポケモン). This Steel-type Pokémon is 0.3m tall and weighs 21.0kg. Its abilities are Plus (プラス) and Minus (マイナス). It knows the move Gear Saucer (ギアソーサー) which allows it to attack multiple times.
- New Pokémon: Hihidaruma (ヒヒダルマ), the Blaze Pokémon (えんじょうポケモン). This Fire-type Pokémon is 1.3m tall and weighs 92.9kg. It's ability is Brute Force (ちからづく).
- New Pokémon: Mamepato (マメパト), the Child Pigeon Pokémon (こばとポケモン). This Normal/Flying-type Pokémon is 0.3m tall and weighs 2.1kg. Its abilities are Super Luck (きょううん) and Pigeon Breast (はとむね).
- New Pokémon: Megroco (メグロコ), the Desert Crocodile Pokémon (さばくワニポケモン). This Ground/Dark-type Pokémon is 0.7m tall and weighs 15.2kg. Its abilities are Intimidate (いかく) and Overconfidence (じしんかじょう).
- New Pokémon: Munna (ムンナ), the Dream Eater Pokémon (ゆめくいポケモン). This Psychic-type Pokémon is 0.6m tall and weighs 23.3kg. Its abilities are Forewarn (よちむ) and Syncronize (シンクロ). It knows the move Telekinesis (テレキネシス) which makes the opponent float.
- New Pokémon: Shimama (シママ), the Electrification Pokémon (たいでんポケモン). This Electric-type Pokémon is 0.8m tall and weighs 29.8kg. Its abilities are Lightningrod (ひらいしん) and Motor Drive (でんきエンジン). It knows the move Wild Volt (ワイルドボルト) which hurts both the opponent and the user.
- There will be a new Professor in the Isshu Region (イッシュ地方), a female, Dr. Araragi (アララギ博士).

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More information was also revealed on the version legendaries:
- Reshiram (レシラム) is the White Yang Pokémon (はくようポケモン). It is a Dragon/Fire-type Pokémon, 3.2m tall and weighs 330.0kg. Its ability is Turbo Blaze (ターボブレイズ).
- Zekrom (ゼクロム) is the Black Yin Pokémon (こくいんポケモン). It is a Dragon/Electric-type Pokémon, 2.9m tall and weighs 345.0kg. Its ability is Tera Voltage (テラボルテージ).

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