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Cover Image Spanish: BWS2 16 ¡Regreso a la aldea!
Cover Image Swedish: BWS2 16 Hem till byn!
Cover Image Italian: BWS2 16 Ritorno a casa!
Cover Image Spanish (LA): BWS2 16 ¡El regreso a la aldea!
Cover Image Finnish: BWS2 16 Kotiinpalu kylään!
Cover Image Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan): BWS2 16 艾莉絲、回到龍之鄉!
Cover Image Dutch: BWS2 16 Thuiskomen in het dorp!
Cover Image Portuguese (Brazil): BWS2 16 Regressando Para a Vila dos Dragões!
Cover Image Norwegian: BWS2 16 En landsby gjenkomst!
Cover Image Danish: BWS2 16 Hjem til landsbyen!
Cover Image Korean: BWS2 16 아이리스, 용의 고을로 돌아가다!
Cover Image Portuguese: BWS2 16 Regresso à Terra Natal!
Cover Image Russian: BWS2 16 Возвращение домой!
Cover Image Japanese: Smash 104 やけたとう! マツバとうじょう!! / アドベンチャー部とインターナショナル部が町中でメダル集めに挑戦 / ポケスマメンバーの中から「キングオブメダリスト」が決定!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Smash 104 Yaketa tō! Matsuba tōjō!! / Adventure-bu to International-bu ga machinaka de medal atsume ni chōsen / PokéSma member no naka kara 'King of Medalist' ga kettei!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Smash 104 The Burned Tower! Enter Matsuba!! / The Adventure Division and the International Division Compete at Gathering Medals in the City / The PokéSma Members' 'King of Medalists' is Chosen!
Cover Image Japanese: Smash 105 飛べシェイミ! 空の彼方へ!! / ゴルゴ所長が10月からの新メンバーを発表!/「ポケモンB2W2」のバトル講座に増田さんが登場!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Smash 105 Tobe Shaymin! Sora no kanata e!! / Golgo-shochō ga jūgatsu kara no shin member wo happyō! / 'Pokémon B2W2' no battle kōza ni Masuda-san ga tōjō!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Smash 105 Fly Shaymin! Beyond the Sky!! / Chief Golgo Announces the New Members who will Join Starting October! / Masuda Appears for a 'Pokémon B2W2' Battle Lecture!
Cover Image Japanese: Smash 106 いろちがいのヨルノズク! ゲットだぜ!! / 秋山サトシ&馬場デントがロッチ扮するソラン&リーク兄弟とタッグバトルクイズ / 「ポケモントレッタ」レジェンドクラスのキュレムとバトル!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Smash 106 Irochigai no Yorunozuku! Get da ze!! / Akiyama Satoshi & Baba Dent ga Lotti funsuru Soran & Riiku kyōdai to tag battle quiz / 'Pokémon Tretta' Legend Class no Kyurem to battle!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Smash 106 An Alternate-colored Yorunozuku! Get It!! / Akiyama Satoshi and Baba Dent's Tag Battle Quiz Against Lotti Dressed up as the Brothers Soran and Riiku / A Battle Against the 'Pokémon Tretta' Legend Class Kyurem!
Cover Image English: BWS2 17 Drayden Versus Iris: Past, Present, and Future!
Cover Image Japanese: BWS2 17 ソウリュウジム!アイリスVSシャガ!!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): BWS2 17 Soryu Gym! Iris VS Shaga!!