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Cover Image Dutch: XY 17 Een stormloop aan ninjawijsheden!
Cover Image Portuguese (Brazil): XY 17 Um Surto de Sabedoria Ninja!
Cover Image Norwegian: XY 17 En strøm av ninja-visdom!
Cover Image Danish: XY 17 En bølge af ninja-visdom!
Cover Image Korean: XY 17 개구마르 vs 개굴반장! 닌자배틀!
Cover Image Portuguese: XY 17 Uma Vaga de Sabedoria Ninja!
Cover Image Russian: XY 17 Немного мудрости ниндзя!
Cover Image Japanese: GETTV 17 ポケモンひょうりゅうき / 第5回「ポケモンずかん完成の旅」佐渡島に着いたあばれる君、ポケモン交換を求めて「寒ブリ大漁まつり」へ!?
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): GETTV 17 Pokémon hyōryūki / Dai5kai 'Pokémon zukan kansei no tabi' Sadogashima ni tsuita Abareru-kun, Pokémon kōkan wo motomete 'Samu Buri Tairyō Matsuri' e!?
Cover Image Japanese (TL): GETTV 17 A Pokémon Robinsonade / In the Fifth Installment of 'The Pokémon Zukan Completion Journey', Abareru-kun is Visiting Sado Island, and Heads to the 'Winter Yellowtail Fishing Festival' in Search of Pokémon Trades!?
Cover Image English: XY 18 Awakening the Sleeping Giant!
Cover Image Japanese: XY 18 カビゴンを起こせ!パルファム宮殿でバトルです!!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): XY 18 Kabigon wo okose! Parfum kyūden de battle desu!!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): XY 18 Wake Up Kabigon! Please, Let's Have a Battle in Parfum Palace!!
Cover Image German: XY 18 Erweckt den schlafenden Riesen!
Cover Image French: XY 18 Le réveil du Pionceur géant !
Cover Image Spanish: XY 18 ¡Despertando al gigante dormido!
Cover Image Swedish: XY 18 Att väcka den sovande jätten!
Cover Image Italian: XY 18 Il risveglio del gigante addormentato!
Cover Image Spanish (LA): XY 18 ¡Despertando al gigante dormilón!
Cover Image Finnish: XY 18 Nukkuvaa jättiläistä herättämässä!
Cover Image Dutch: XY 18 De slapende reus wakker maken!
Cover Image Portuguese (Brazil): XY 18 Despertando o Gigante Adormecido!
Cover Image Norwegian: XY 18 Å vekke den sovende kjempen!
Cover Image Danish: XY 18 At vække den sovende kæmpe!