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Cover Image Spanish (LA): SM 10 ¡Prueba Y Complicación!
Cover Image Finnish: SM 10 Koettelemus kerrakseen!
Cover Image Dutch: SM 10 Testen en beproevingen!
Cover Image Portuguese (Brazil): SM 10 Prova e tribulação!
Cover Image Norwegian: SM 10 Prøver og prøvelser!
Cover Image Danish: SM 10 Prøve med forhindringer!
Cover Image Korean: SM 10 Z기술이 나올까?! 큰 시련을 향한 도전!!
Cover Image Russian: SM 10 Испытания и невзгоды!
Cover Image Japanese: POKENCHI 65 ポケんちを飛び出して北海道で大盛り上がり / 北海道の美食を食べまくる / サン・ムーンを使用したポケモンバトル!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): POKENCHI 65 Pokénchi wo tobidashite Hokkaidō de ōmoriagari / Hokkaidō no bishoku wo tabemakuru / Sun/Moon wo shiyō shita Pokémon battle!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): POKENCHI 65 Leaving Pokénchi for Fun and Games in Hokkaido / Binging on the Best Food Hokkaido Has to Offer / A Pokémon Battle Using Sun/Moon!
Cover Image English: SM 11 Young Kiawe Had a Farm!
Cover Image Japanese: SM 11 サトシ、カキんちに行く!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): SM 11 Satoshi, Kaki n chi ni iku!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): SM 11 Satoshi Visits Kaki!
Cover Image German: SM 11 Backe, backe Kuchen!
Cover Image French: SM 11 Le jeune Kiawe a une ferme !
Cover Image Spanish: SM 11 ¡La granja de Kiawe!
Cover Image Swedish: SM 11 Unge Kiawe hade en bondgård!
Cover Image Italian: SM 11 Nell’allegra fattoria di Kawe!
Cover Image Spanish (LA): SM 11 ¡Kiawe Tenía Una Granja!
Cover Image Finnish: SM 11 Kiawella oli talo!
Cover Image Dutch: SM 11 Kiawe had een boerderij!
Cover Image Portuguese (Brazil): SM 11 O jovem Kiawe tinha uma fazenda!
Cover Image Norwegian: SM 11 Kiawe hadde en bondegård!