The show starts off with the guys passing around a basketball while the girls are busy cleaning up the headquarters. Shoko and the girls get a bit mad that the guys are fooling around and as soon as Golgo shows up, he puts the guys in their place.
The Hana introduce the anime rerun theme, Pokémon Library (ポケモンライブラリー). This weeks episode,
Manene Enters! House of Relaxation! is from the
Advanced Generation series. Kojiro arrives at one of his mansions to help care for his Chirean and he encounters a Manene who he and his fellow Rocket Gang members instantly fall in love with.

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Returning from the repeat show, Professor Red notes that there is a large rope on the floor and inquires as to the reason it is there. Golgo explains that they would be having a sporting event where the Technology Division (テクノロジー部) and the Adventure Division (アドベンチャー部), which includes Red and Robert, would face off against the Marketing Division (マーケティング部) and the International Division (インターナショナル部), which includes Shoko, Misaki, Hana and Maria, in a game of Tug-o-War. The girls pull with all their might but the guys just seem to be relaxing as the teams are not evenly matched in terms of strength. Suddenly Chief Executive Officer Choi Hong-Man appears and wants to know what is going on. He quickly goes onto the girls team and with his overpowering strength, he manages to defeat the guys team. The girls all celebrate their victory over the guys.

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Robert then head out to do an Investigation of Mysterious 'Power Spots' That Make Good Things Happen in the Games! Their first stop is Sarugaku's Ancient Dwelling Park (Shibuya, Tokyo) [猿楽古代住居跡公園 (東京都 渋谷区)]. The narrator explains that the park was the location of an ancient dwelling and it is considered to be 'Power Spots'. Sitting on a bench is considered to be the source of the power. When Robert arrived one of the benches was free and they decided to go sit down but before they could and old man who was walking with a cane sat down on it and put his bag on the bench as well. Moments after the old man sat down, he could feel the power surging through him and he pulled out two dumbbells can began some weight training on the bench.
Robert decide to polity ask the younger, yet bigger guy on the other bench if they could have a turn sitting on it because he was only listening to music. The guy didn't hear him because he had earphones on and his eyes were closed. Robert then tries to sit down beside him but he was swaying from side to side and quickly pushed them off the bench. Since asking politely didn't work, Yamamoto gets a box and a wedge to use as a lever so they can pry the younger guy of the bench. Yamamoto's idea proves to be bad as the guy is to heavy to be budged using the lever by himself. All three members of Robert try to combine their strength but they end up breaking the lever in half instead of prying the guy off the bench.
Akiyama decides that its his turn to think of a plan and he reveals a large fan. Yamamoto hits the guy over the head with the fan which instantly gets his attention. The guy gets bad and Yamamoto is intimidated by his large stature and runs away as the guy follows him. Baba and Akiyama then sit down on the bench and pull out their DS's. Before they can really get into playing them, a person starts tapping Baba on the shoulder a few times until Baba finally turned around to see it was the younger guy that was on the bench before them and he had Yamamoto over his shoulder. The guy hits Robert over over the head continuously.

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Since their last location wasn't too successful, Baba decides to take the Adventure Group to a 'Nepal & Indian & Asian Restaurant NATURE POWER'. The Nature Power Store Manager brought them some curry (カレー) to try. The seasoning contains precious seasoning that you only get at a height of over 3000m in the Himalayan mountains. Robert hoped that the Nature Power of the curry would translate to better gameplay but Baba just ended up sweating to death from the 'maxed power' curry.

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The International Division (インターナショナル部) girls went to the Odaiba McDonald's which has been transformed to featured a "Black and White" style throughout the restaurant. Many of the 5th Generation Pokémon are prominently displayed. The Odaiba location is the only McDonald that will feature the renovation and only for a limited time from September 18th to October 18th, 2010.
The Odaiba location also features a Poké Power SPOT, which allows players to get more experience after Pokémon Battles and makes it easier to capture Pokémon. At the Poké Power SPOT, the girls each test how well the Experience Power (けいけんちパワー), Money Power (おこづかいパワー) and Discount Power (やすうりパワー) upgrades work in the games. First Hana uses her Level 22
Yanappu (ヤナップ) to battle a level 19
Harderrier (ハーデリア). Hana won the battle and her Yanappu received 637 experience points without the Poké Power SPOT upgrade. Misaki did the same battle over again by activating the Experience Power (けいけんちパワー) in the C-Gear and received 1274 experience points for her Yanappu, significantly higher for battling a Pokémon at level 19.
Maria then battled the same trainer in the game that normally would only give 760yen but with the Money Power (おこづかいパワー) upgrade on, she received 2280yen. Hana then activated the Discount Power (やすうりパワー) upgrade and went to the Pokémon Center in the game to buy some items. The girls all noticed that the price of goods was significantly cheaper. They specifically noticed that the monster ball was 100yen instead of the regular 200 yen. This gets Hana excited and she says in English:
"Wow! You can buy a lot!". The narrator then shows that the power cuts the price of products at the Pokémon Center in half.