The episode starts with Golgo being to do his normal "PokéMorning!" salute but before he does he decides that Akiyama should do a salute this time. Akiyama is surprised that he is given the task but is willing to do so. He makes up his own salute which includes fist pumping and then ramen slurping from a bowl at the end. Everyone thinks the salute is a bit strange but do it with Akiyama nonetheless.
Golgo introduces this weeks rerun episode is part of the Pokémon Library and Red announces this weeks theme 'It's important not to get disappointed!' (くじけない気持ちが大事!). This weeks rerun episode was
Lots of Subame, Lots of Peril! I got one in the Touka Forest!! (スバメがいっぱい危険がいっぱい! トウカの森でゲットだぜ!!) from the
Advanced Generation series.
A full summary of the episode is available on the episode guide. Professor Red starts singing lyrics from
Daiji MAN Brothers Band (大事MANブラザーズバンド) song Sorega Daiji (それが大事) but adds his own lyrics at the end for Subame (負けない事 投げ出さない事 逃げ出さない事 信じ抜く事 スバメがんばれ). Unlike last weeks episode when Red had to do the "Let's! Pokémon Library!" salute with Shoko-tan and was a bit embarrassed, Professor Red did the "Let's! Pokémon Library!" call that imitates the
Fall in Love (フォーリンラブ) duo salute with Mijumaru.
Professor Red then introduces the Pokémon Library vote that allows viewers to choose between two episodes. Golgo suggests viewers vote for
Bivouac by Iwark (イワークでビバーク) while Professor Red suggests
The Jungle Trio! Hot Spring Battle!! (ジャングルのさんびき!おんせんバトル!!). Voting is open until December 6th, 2010 at midnight. The winning episode will air on December 26th episode of Pokémon Smash. Viewers can vote for their favorite episode at the
official Smash website.

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Akiyama explains that in the new Pokémon Black and White games there are TV's located throughout Isshu where players can 'watch' shows. The Adventure Group decides that they would go out and do their own BW TV Program 'Live Technically'. Yamamoto dressed up as the main character from the games, "Wazama Shin" (a pun on the Japanese name for the TMs, "Waza machine", literally "move machine"), and stood beside a large frame that looked like a television.
During the Marketing Groups segment introduced a few more 5th Generation Pokémon to get the audience a bit more familiar with them. The following Pokémon were displayed:
After the commercial break, AAA group members Mitsuhiro Hidaka (日高光啓), Sueyoshi Shuta (末吉秀太) and Chiaki Itō (伊藤千晃) showed up for a Pokémon Black and White battle. Earlier that week
the ending theme for Pokémon Smash "Endless Fighters" was released on CD. Yamamoto, the current in-house champion volunteered to battle against Sueyoshi Shuta. The battle was a 4-on-4 level 50 adjusted double battle.

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Yamamoto sent out
Mijumaru (ミジュマル), also named Chibipero (チビペロ) and
Emonga (エモンガ), also named Tobimaru (トビマル). shuty sent out
Jalorda (ジャローダ) and
Zebraika (ゼブライカ). Yamamoto quickly swapped out his Mijumaru for his
Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) when he realized he had a type disadvantage. shuty's
Jalorda (ジャローダ) used
Leaf Blade (リーフブレード) on Yamamoto's
Emonga (エモンガ) dealing about 1/4 damage. shut's
Zebraika (ゼブライカ) then used
Spark (スパーク) on Yamamoto's
Emonga (エモンガ), leaving it at critical hit points.
shuty then recalled his
Zebraika (ゼブライカ) and sent out his
Hiyappu (ヒヤップ) and Yamamoto recalled his
Emonga (エモンガ) and sent out
Baokkie (バオッキー). shuty's
Jalorda (ジャローダ) used
Leaf Blade (リーフブレード) on Yamamoto's
Baokkie (バオッキー) dealing only 1/4 damage. Yamamoto's
Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) used
Leaf Storm (リーフストーム) on
Hiyappu (ヒヤップ) and knocked it out.
shuty sent out
Dokkorar (ドッコラー) and recalled his
Jalorda (ジャローダ) and sent out his
Hahakomori (ハハコモリ). Yamamoto's
Baokkie (バオッキー) used the 5th generation move
Flame Burst (はじけるほのお) on
Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) dealing over 50% damage and slightly injuring
Dokkorar (ドッコラー). Yamamoto's
Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) then used
X-Scissor (シザークロス) on shuty's
Dokkorar (ドッコラー), lowering its hit points to around 50%. shuty's
Dokkorar (ドッコラー) then used the 5th generation move
Retaliation (かたきうち) on Yamamoto's
Baokkie (バオッキー), almost knocking it out but his
Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) finished if off with
Quick Attack (でんこうせっか). Yamamoto's
Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) used
Leaf Blade (リーフブレード) on shuty's
Dokkorar (ドッコラー) to finish it off in the same round.
Yamamoto sent out his
Emonga (エモンガ) to replace
Baokkie (バオッキー) and shuty sent out his
Jalorda (ジャローダ) to replace his
Dokkorar (ドッコラー). shuty's
Zebraika (ゼブライカ) used
Nitro Charge (ニトロチャージ) on Yamamoto's
Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) leaving it with about 40% hit points. Yamamoto's
Emonga (エモンガ) used
Acrobat (アクロバット) on
Zebraika (ゼブライカ) dealing only minor damage. Yamamoto's
Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) then used
X-Scissor (シザークロス) on shuty's
Jalorda (ジャローダ), almost knocking it out but Yamamoto's
Emonga (エモンガ) used
Acrobat (アクロバット) on
Jalorda (ジャローダ) to finish it off leaving shuty with just his
Zebraika (ゼブライカ) . The battle then fast forwards to show that Yamamoto lost his
Emonga (エモンガ) and
Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) to setup the final battle with Yamamoto's Mijumaru and shuty's severely injured
Zebraika (ゼブライカ) which ended up getting finished off on the first attack with Mijumaru's Shell Blade giving Yamamoto the victory.