The announcer introduced the show by saying: "Hey, Hey, boys and girls! Today we are going to feature the legendary Pokémon right here on Pokémon Smash! Here we go!". The international girls with Baba walk in to greet the other cast members. They begin talking about the latest Pocket Monsters special
A Mad Run!! The Battle Subway!! (激走!! バトルサブウェイ!!) and Hana says that its 'So Hot!'. Clueless as ever, Akiyama wanted to know what happened to the
Don Battle Finals (ドンバトルの決勝はどうなった?) which Yamamoto quickly tells him that was a month ago (一ヶ月前の話).

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Akiyama introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and he also announces this weeks theme, Helping a friend in a pinch at the right time! (ピンチの時こそ仲間が必要!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was A Secret Pond! Lots of Mizugoro!? (秘密の池!ミズゴロウがいっぱい!?) from the
Advanced Generation series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
After the Pokémon Library episode, Hana asks a man that walks in "Who are you?". Baba introduces himself as Baba-Dent. A clip from the 1-hour special was shown featuring Dent saying "It's Subway Time!" and introducing himself as "Metro Sommelier (メトロソムリエ)".

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Baba-Dent then said he was going to do a few Subway Dajare's (サブウェイダジャレ). A
Dajare is a pun that relies on similarities in the pronunciation of words to create a simple joke. He used 8 different Pokémon in the Subway Dajare.
The second line train is going to Meguro. |
2番線の電車はメグロコ(目黒)行きデスマス(です) |
2 bansen no densha ha Meguroco (meguro) iki desumasu (desu) |
Please wait for departure. |
発車までシンボラー(しばらく)お待ち下さい |
hassha made shinboraa (shibaraku) omachi kudasai |
Watch your step when floors are wet. |
足元が大変滑りやすくナットレイ(なっており)ますので |
ashimoto ga taihen suberi yasuku nattorei (natteori) masu no de |
Please be careful where you walk. |
歩かないようにごチュリネ(注意)下さい |
aruka naiyou ni go churine (chuui) kudasai |
Onomatopoeia for discharge sound |
プルリルプルリル(はっしゃ音) |
pururiru pururiru |
Please watch out for the closing doors. |
シママ(しま)るドアにごチュリネ(注意)下さい |
Shimama (shimaru) door ni go churine (chuui) kudasai |
Baba-Dent then invited the rest of the crew to experience the World of the Battle Subway and told them to "Let's go!". A trailer clip from the 1 hour anime special was then shown. Maria cosplayed as Iris, Misaki cosplayed as Nyarth and Akiyama cosplayed Satoshi. The were at the Tokyo Subway Museum (地下鉄博物館 東京).

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Like Satoshi and friends do in the 1-hour special, they arrive at the Raimon City Pokémon Center and give their Pokémon to Nurse Joy. Just as they are heading with their monster balls, a net is thrown over them. Rocket Gang's Musashi and Kojiro show up and do their Isshu motto. Hana is dressed as Musashi while Yamamoto is dressed as Kojiro. They gathered up all the monster balls and just as they attempted to make their getaway Subway Master's Nobori and Kudari showed up. They were played by the duo
Heisei Nobushikobushi (平成ノブシコブシ) which is comprised of Takashi Yoshimura (吉村崇) and Kenta Tokui (徳井健太). Takashi played Nobori and Kenta played Kudari.

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To get back the monster balls, they decided to have a subway battle where each player would get to see 4 numbers that by using
order of operations in a certain order would produce the number 10. Players had to figure out what that order was though. The first person to correctly state the order was out of the next round. For example, if you had the numbers 3752, you could do (3+7-5)x2=10. Rocket Gang and the Subway Masters went up against Satoshi and friends.
Battle Subway
8246 |
2x4+8-6=10 Spoiler: Click to show! |
5167 |
(1+7-6)x5=10 Spoiler: Click to show! |
3149 |
(9-3)x1+4=10 Spoiler: Click to show! |
1794 |
9 / (4-1=3)+7=10 Spoiler: Click to show! |
4875 |
8-(7-4=3)+5=10 Spoiler: Click to show! |
Musashi-Hana was the last person left. They moved on to a different game this time a 'subway track' and cart was placed on the floor. At the end was a cream wall. Each team would try to get each team member in the marked off area without the face of the person getting creamed. Satoshi team ened up winning the game after Iris-Maria was the first not to get creamed.
In the marketing department, Shoko-tan announced the upcoming Hail Blizzard and Psycho Drive expansions that feature Mewtwo EX card. Shoko-tan then went back to talk about the history of Mewtwo in the games Pocket Monsters Red and Green that were first released in Japan in 1996. It was then featured in the first Pocket Monsters Movie in 1998. A quick clip from the English dub of the movie was then shown. Mewtwo then made another appearance in 2000 in the TV special Mewtwo! I Am Here which airs in the next two episodes of Pokémon Smash during the Pokémon Library segment. Shoko-tan then announced that a Mewtwo present would be announced next week on the show.

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Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな? BW)
As a reminder for the CD of
Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな? BW) which was released on June 22nd, 2011, kids that had submitted their videos singing the song were shown as the ending.