The announcer introduced the show by saying: "Hey there! Christmas is around the corner so don't miss the treasure box quiz! It all happens right here, Pokémon Smash!". Professor Red started off the show with the PokéMorning greating by smiling and opening his lips wide with his mouth. The rest of the cast mimiced him. Professor Red then explained that December 11th is Tango Day (タンゴの日). The National Day of Tango in Argentina takes place on December 11th as "the idea of Tango Day was to commemorate the birthday of the creators of the two main currents of Tango: Carlos Gardel –the voice, the idol, “el zorzal criollo”-, born the 11th December 1890, and Julio De Caro –the music, the magnificent orchestra director, the renovator -, also born the 11th December 1899." (

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Golgo then showed up and music started and Golgo danced a tango by himself as he joined the others. Shoko-tan introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and she also announced this weeks theme/moral, Always return what you borrow! (かりた物はちゃんと変えそう!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
The Rocket Gang and Delibird!(ロケットだんとデリバード!) from the
original series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
After the Library episode, the International girls showed up and Hana was holding the new
Pokémon Battle Chess (ポケモンバトルチェス) game that was released in Japan on December 26th, 2011. Professor Red and Shoko-tan sat down and played a mock game while Misaki explained some of the rules to them.

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For the VTR, the International and Adventure divisions did a game of 'Pokémon Battle Chess BW' where Hana and Maria battled against each other. Jonathan was back to be the teacher of Pokémon Battle Chess. The teams were as follows: Maria, Misaki and Baba VS Hana, Yamamoto and Akiyama.

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The Plus Power card allows Pokémon playing pieces that have equal or lower power to gain additional power so they are able to attack an opposing Pokémon. Realizing that her
Minezumi needed extra power to attack Maria picked up the card 'Mustard Cream Puffs' (カラシ シュークリーム) instead of a normal card that would have giving a numerical enhancement. Baba was given the task to try the puff. After eating the puff which he found to be hot, Maria pealed back the label to reveal it gave her +20 power enough to damage Hana's
Minezumi. The two then moved Zoroark's and Maria managed to take out Hana's
Hana then moved her
Enbuoh into a position to attack Maria's Zoroark but the two had 70 so Hana decided to use a Plus Power card. When a player defeats an opponents Pokémon, it goes to the coaster area. Once a player has 3 coasters they can play the special Pokémon Zekrom or with 4 they can play Reshiram. Hana used a plus power card which stated: 'Shocking Ballpen' (ビリビリ ボールペン) and got Yamamoto to try it. He reluctantly picked up the pen and pressed it in. He got shocked by the pen. Hana then revealed that it had no extra power to which Yamamoto was mad that he got shocked for nothing.

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Plus power cards come in: +30, +30, +40, Shuffle +70, and two +0 cards. On Maria's turn she wanted to attack with Zoroark but didn't have enough power so she picked up a power card that stated: 'Break through plastic wrap with your face' (顔面ラップやぶり). Maria chose Misaki to do that task. After a couple of attempts she managed to break through it. Maria revealed the power plus card to be the +70 Shuffle one which gave her enough to defeat Hana's Pokémon. Hana then defeated another of Maria's
Minezumi's giving her three Pokémon in her coaster area, so Maria dropped Zekrom onto the board near Hana's side. Hana then attacked Maria's the Egg "tamago". The battle then fast forwarded to a point where Hana also had Zekrom on the board and Maria's egg had been hit enough to reveal Victini.
Maria then picked up another plus power card which said: 'Break through Rail Panel' (レール パネルやぶり). Maria chose Misaki to do this task and Maria was put on a rail trolley and pulled through 5 panels. Maria revealed the card had +40 power which was enough for her
Enbuoh to damage Hana's Zekrom. Hana then picked up a plus power card which stated: 'Look strange in Stocking'(ストッキング へん顔). Yamamoto was chosen for the task and he made a few weird faces only to find out that once again the power card was +0. Maria then attacked Hana's Zekrom with her Zekrom and defeated it. Hana then moved her
Minezumi and picked up a plus power card that said: 'Pressure Foot Massage' (足ツボ マッサージ). Akiyama was chosen and he screamed and squirmed around while getting the massage and Hana revealed the power card to be +70 Shuffle which was enough to attack Maria's Zekrom. Hana once again went and picked up another plus power card which ended up being the 'Break through plastic wrap with your face' (顔面ラップやぶり) one again. Akiayama was chosen and he broke through the first time. The card was +20 which ended up being enough for Hana to defeat Maria's Zekrom.
The battle fastfowarded again to a point where Maria was attacking Hana's egg with her Reshiram to reveal Hana's Victini. Hana only had Zoroark left other than the revealed Victini. In a final last attempt, Hana attacked Maria's damaged Reshiram that had 100 points with her Zoroark which was also damaged and only had 50 points. She would need to get the power card 'Shuffle +70' in order to defeat Reshiram. She picked up the power card which stated: 'Shocking Ballpen' (ビリビリ ボールペン) and Akiyama was chosen to do it this time. He shocked himself and Hana revealed the power card and it was the 'Shuffle +70'. Reshiram was defeated but then Maria moved her
Daikenki into attacking position of Hana's Victini. Hana picked up a power plus card which was the 'Break through Rail Panel' (レール パネルやぶり) one again and Yamamoto was chosen to do it this time. He hoped this time he didn't get the +0 plus power card. Hana revealed the card and it was once again the +0 power card. Maria then attacked Hana's Victini and the game was decided as Maria's team won.
Marketing Segment - Mijumaru's Tweet Corner
Mijumaru reminded viewers that the 14th Pocket Monsters movies
Victini and the Light Hero - Reshiram / Victini and the Dark Hero - Zekrom (ビクティニと白き英雄レシラム / ビクティニと黒き英雄ゼクロム) would be released on
Bluray and
DVD on December 16th, 2011. Also a list of differences between the two movies was shown.
Milos Voltolos and Tornelos
To promote and tie in with the Pocket Monsters Best Wishes episodes
Tornelos VS Voltolos VS Landlos! (トルネロスVSボルトロスVSランドロス!), a Japanese Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection event was announced in the December 2011 Corocoro. Shoko-tan introduced the event to Smash viewers. Players of Japanese version of Pokémon Black can receive the legendary Pokémon
Voltolos while players of the Japanese version of Pokémon White can receive
Pokémon Smash 62, the details of the event Pokémon were fully revealed.
In the original airing of
Pocket Monsters Best Wishes #61 on December 15th, 2011, the Okido segment at the end of the show featured a promotion for the
Voltolos and
Tornelos event distribution. The event distribution was then activated a half an hour after the airing of the episode at 20:00JST on the the 15th, despite the official start distribution date of December 16th, 2011.
McDonalds commercials that were promoting the Happy Set collection for December 2011 also had a promotion for the event which was also being distributed at Mac DS (マックでDS) locations.
Milos Voltolos and
Milos Tornelos have been added to our
Event database.