Home / Episode Guide / XYの魅力をランキング形式でお届け / ゲストはFUJIWARA&柳原可奈子さん / ポケモンかくれんぼゲームにオードリー・春日が登場!Presenting the High Points of XY in a Ranking Format / FUJIWARA and Kanako Yanagihara Come on as Guests / Kasuga from Audrey Takes the Stage in the Pokémon Hide-and-Seek Game!
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  • Japan XYの魅力をランキング形式でお届け / ゲストはFUJIWARA&柳原可奈子さん / ポケモンかくれんぼゲームにオードリー・春日が登場!
  • Japan XY no miryoku wo ranking keishiki de otodoke / Guest wa FUJIWARA & Yanagihara Kanako-san / Pokémon kakurenbo game ni Audrey Kasuga ga tōjō!
  • Japan Presenting the High Points of XY in a Ranking Format / FUJIWARA and Kanako Yanagihara Come on as Guests / Kasuga from Audrey Takes the Stage in the Pokémon Hide-and-Seek Game!


OP/ED List

PokéDancing XY