Quote From: ivantuga2It's at 12:54 in the Episode 80.
Quote From: ivantuga2The only thing to report about the BGM today is that I don't know if what plays in Episode 84, at 02:59 is to be considered as a music or sound effect.
Quote From: ivantuga2a slight variation of 1997-1998-M12-1 シオンへの道‐クチバより" (The Road to Shion - From Kuchiba) was playing, instead of the version that's present in the CD "TV Anime Pocket Monsters Original Soundtrack Best 1997-2010". upload a sample of that variation, which played in the episodes 24, 28, 29 and of another variation that plays in the episodes 33 and 82.
The actual version from the CD only plays in the episodes 52, 57 and 83.
Uploaded samples for the two. Need to really pay attention when comparing the differences between variation 1 and 2 as its only a slight drum snare/beat difference but I guess it was enough for them to make that distinction as well as they did label it 1997-1998-M12-
and the other tracks are unreleased. The third variation just seems to be a spliced version of 1 and is a lot easier to identify.