Title: Re: New anime series, Pocket Monsters Best Wishes, announced...
Mustachioed man is named Don George.
Koromori is a combination of koro koro (the sound of rolling) and koumori (bat), replacing the 'u' in koumori with the "ro" of koro.
I do so very much hate the title though. So many better titles could have come from "BW" than "Best Wishes". Unless Satoshi/Ash is gonna have a Jirachi, they need to change the title >_>
It's probably a good thing Satoshi's new companion isn't the BW Protagonist♀, because she is old enough for Takeshi to hit on, and then we'd never get rid of him... and if he is coming back eventually, then at least the new companion is young enough that we wont be seeing him constantly hitting on her followed by the subsequent assault on his posterior (Oh Croagunk, I'll miss your poisonous kanchou-ing)
Last edited 02 Jul 2010 02:05 PM by
Randomness makes the world go round. So, I guess I spin the world right 'round, baby right 'round. Kuru kuru kuru! And spin!