Title: New Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition Information
With the release of
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition (ポケモン+ノブナガの野望) only a few days away, a ton of new information about the game has been revealed in various magazines and on the official website. The game will be released in Japan on
March 17th, 2012 and it features an all new system for Pokémon battles, known as "Combat" (イクサ). Below is all the newly revealed information.
Officers make Pokémon their partners. Pokémon and officers share a bond called a "link"; if their link is strong, they will be able to draw out each others powers. The link has a maximum limit deterined through the compatability of officer and Pokémon, so discovering the "Best Link Pokémon", the one they are 100% linked to, is one of the things officers aim for.
Our characters page has been updated with the information about these officers.
New Characters/Officers:
DATE MASAMUNE + WARRGLE (マサムネ+ウォーグル) |
Masamune is an educated tactician who predicts the state of war with a cool head. |
FUMA KOTARO + ZOROARK (コタロウ+ゾロアーク) |
An officer with an ominous air around him, who finds great delight in doing Combat with strong warriors. What is his true intentions?
NENE + GOLBAT (ネネ+ゴルバット) |
She's a strong-willed young woman officer, who pledges her alliance to Nobunaga. She challenges the players alongside Hideyoshi!
Ieyasu is an officer who prefers being in large company. He fights fair and square in Combat alongside Tadakatsu and Ina-hime!
MORI RANMARU + HAKURYU (ランマル+ハクリュー) |
A young officer serving under Nobunaga. He appears to be aquainted with Oichi...
Wi-Fi Episodes:
In Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition, players can download additional episodes and events from Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection that are only available for a short period of time to get. Certain episodes require the player to have completed the game to a certain point before the episode is available to be played. Below is a list of the two new Wi-Fi downloads.
Our Wi-Fi page has also been updated with the information.
Episode Name: Okuni's Episode (オクニのエピソード) Dates Available for Japan: April 14th, 2012 to May 11th, 2012 This episode centers around Okuni, who replaced No-hime as Officer Leader, and her adventure searching for a "wonderful encounter". Once downloaded, the episode can be played after viewing the game's ending. |
Event Name: Reshiram Event (レシラムのイベント) Dates Available for Japan: March 31st, 2012 to no end date This event allows access to Reshiram, the legendary Fire/Dragon type Pokémon. Once downloaded, it will become accessible after viewing the game's ending. |
The Weekly Famitsu 1215 (週刊ファミ通 1215号) posted more characters and officers that were also revealed on the official website. Nothing other than their name and Pokémon partner was revealed though.
Our characters page will be updated when more information about these officers is revealed.

Click on images for higher resolution
HOJO UJIYASU + GANTLE (ウジヤス+ガントル) |
INA-HIME + NUOH (イナヒメ+ヌオー) |
KAI-HIME + BAOPPU (カイヒメ+バオップ) |
IZUMO NO OKUNI + WHEEGA (オクニ+ホイーガ) |
KURODA KANBEI + LAMPLER (カンベエ+ランプラー) |
FEMALE NINJA + ZURUGGU (クノイチ+ズルッグ) |
NO-HIME + MUMAGE (ノウヒメ+ムウマージ) |
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition passwords were announced in various media outlets and can be used to unlock special Pokémon which will appear somewhere in the game. The passwords can be entered from the menu screen. Each password can only be used once.
We have added a passwords page that has a list of all the upcoming Pokémon passwords that will be revealed.
テヘビトカ1リミ |
Emonga (エモンガ) |
Weekly Famitsu 1215 (週刊ファミ通 1215号) |
2012-03-14 |
28セメフフロヒ |
Gureggru (グレッグル) |
April 2012 Corocoro (月刊コロコロコミック 2012年4月号) |
2012-03-15 |
ネ8フニミゼテラ |
Baoppu (バオップ) |
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition Site (『ポケモン+(プラス)ノブナガの野望』公式サイト) |
2012-03-15 |
Official Guide Books
Also revealed were official guide books for the game. The Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition Visual Setting Guide (ポケモン+ノブナガの野望 ビジュアル設定ガイド) is 128 pages, its ISBN is 978-4-7758-0841-2, costs 1500yen and will include a password to unlock
Hihidaruma (ヒヒダルマ). The book goes on sale March 28th, 2012.
The Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition Official Guide (ポケモン+ノブナガの野望 公式ガイド) is 224 pages, its ISBN is 978-4-7758-0840-5, costs 900 yen and will include a password to unlock
(ギャラドス). The book will go on sale the same day that the game is released on March 17th, 2012.
Pokémon Smash Pencilboard
A limited collectors edition Pokémon Smash Pencilboard featuring the current cast of the show dressed up to match the poster of Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition will be distributed for free while supplies last at participating Apita, Piago, Aeon, Ito-Yokado, Daiei, Toys 'R' Us, Fujiguran, Heiwado and Pokémon Center locations.
http://www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/ranse/ and