A poster for the Pokémon Cafe Pokémon Center Event has announced the details for the event. The Dream World Pokémon downloads are:
Doble (ドーブル),
Eievui (イーブイ),
Nyorozo (ニョロゾ) and
Minomutchi (ミノムッチ). A C-gear skin as well as some Dream World furniture will also be available to download off of Pokémon Global Link that features Pokémon Cafe. The downloads will be available starting
May 25th, 2011 on the Japanese version of the Pokémon Global Link but will require a password. The Pokémon Center will also be selling various Pokémon Cafe items which can all be purchased at the Pokémon Center.

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http://www.pokemon.co.jp/ and