The official Japanese Pokémon Trading Card Game sites have revealed the first three Dragon type cards, some of them from the upcoming Dragon Selection (ドラゴンセレクション) set. The set which will be released in Japan on
January 27th, 2012 will feature holographic Dragon Pokémon cards and it will introduce the 'Dragon Type' (ドラゴンタイプ) and Dragon Energy. The new set will only have 20 cards. Below are the three revealed cards and their information.
Dragon Type, 120HP, Illustration: 5Ban Graphics, DS 011/020, Retreat Cost:   , Weakness: x 2 |
りゅうのはどう - 自分の山札を上から2枚トラッシュ。 40
  ひきさく - このワザのダメージは、相手のバトルポケモンにかかっている効果の計算をしない。 90 |
Dragon Pulse - Discard the top 2 cards from your deck. 40
  Tear Up - This attack's damage isn't affected by any effects on the Defending Pokémon. 90 |
Dragon Type, 140HP, DS 008/020, Retreat Cost:  , Weakness: x 2 |
ごうまんなかぜ - 相手は相手自身の手札が4枚になるまで、手札をトラッシュする。 この特性は、自分の番に1回使える。
   ひきさく - このワザのダメージは、相手のバトルポケモンにかかっている効果の計算をしない。 90 |
Overbearing Wind - Your opponent discards cards from his or her hand until he or she has 4 in their hand. You can only use this ability 1 time during your turn.
   Tear Up - This attack's damage isn't affected by any effects on the Defending Pokémon. 90 |
Dragon Type, 140HP, Retreat Cost:   , Weakness: x 2 |
 アーマープレス - 次の相手の番、このポケモンが受けるワザのダメージは「-20」される。 40
  ダブルチョップ -
コインを2回投げ、オモテの数x90ダメージ。 90x |
 Armor Press - During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to this Pokémon is reduced by 20. 40
  Dual Chop - Flip 2 coins. This attack does 90 damage times the number of heads. 90x |