During the commercial break of Thursday's episode of
Pocket Monsters Best Wishes 70 - Fukiyose Gym! A Decisive Mid-Air Battle VS Furo!! (フキヨセジム!VSフウロ空中決戦!!), a new Pokémon Card Game commercial was shown that featured cards from the upcoming sets Dragon Blast and Dragon Blade (リューズブラスト・リューノブレード). The sets are part of the 5th Japanese BW TCG expansion and they will be released on March 16th, 2012.
Images from the TCG commercial are available on the imageboard thread.
The official Japanese Pokémon Card Game site also updated with a new Rayquaza EX and Giratina EX Promo Cards Campaign where players can submit their bar codes from select packages in order to win 1 of 1000 promo combination packs that includes both cards. There is four ways to enter: Sazandora Deck 30 (サザンドラデッキ30) + two Dragon Blast (リューズブラスト) Boosters, Sazandora Deck 30 + a Dragon Selection (ドラゴンセレクション) Booster, Gablias Deck 30 (ガブリアスデッキ30) + two Dragon Blade (リューノブレード) Boosters or Gablias Deck 30 + a Dragon Selection Booster. The Sazandora Deck 30 (サザンドラデッキ30) and the Gablias Deck 30 (ガブリアスデッキ30) also go on sale March 16th, 2012 for 780 yen. The Rayquaza EX and Giratina EX Promo Cards Campaign ends May 7th, 2012 and all submissions must be postmarked before that date. Prizes will be shipped in late May of 2012.
Rayquaza EX and Giratina EX Promo Cards
Below is the revealed information about the Rayquaza EX and Giratina EX Promo Cards.
Dragon Type, 170HP, Promo, Retreat Cost: , Weakness: x 2 |
てんのさけび - 自分の山札を上から3枚トラッシュし、その中のエネルギーをすべて、このポケモンにつける。
 ドラゴンバースト - このポケモンについている炎または雷の基本エネルギーをすべてトラッシュし、トラッシュしたエネルギーの枚数×60ダメージ。 60× |
Sky Shout - Discard the top 3 cards from your deck. If any of the cards are Energy cards, attach them to this Pokémon.
 Dragon Burst - Discard either all Fire Energy or all Lightning Energy attached to this Pokémon. This attack does 60 damage times the number of Energy cards discarded. 60× |
Dragon Type, 180HP, Retreat Cost:   , Weakness: x 2 |
  ひきさく - このワザのダメージは、相手のポケモンにかかっている効果の計算をしない。90
   りゅうのはどう - 自分の山札を上から3枚トラッシュする。 130 |
  Tear Up - This attack's damage isn't affected by any effects on the Defending Pokémon. 90
   Discard the top 3 cards from your deck. 130 |