The official Japanese Pokémon Card Game Blog has revealed two new cards that will debut in the upcoming expansion sets Dragon Blast and Dragon Blade (リューズブラスト・リューノブレード) which will be released on March 16th, 2012. Below are the details.
Psychic Type, 100HP, 028/050 BW5, Illustration: kawayoo, Stage 1 - Evolves from Yabukuron, Retreat Cost:   , Weakness: x2 |
特性 - ダストオキシン - このポケモンに「ポケモンの道具」がついているなら、お互いの場・手札・トラッシュのカードに書かれている特性(ダストオキシンを除く)は、すべてなくなる。
  ヘドロなげ 60 |
Ability - Dust Toxin - As long as this Pokémon has a Pokémon Tool attached, all abilities (except Dust Toxin) that remove cards from the playing field, hand or the discard pile, no longer work.
  Sludge Toss 60 |
Psychic Type, 60HP, 018/050 BW5, Illustration: Masakazu Fukuda, Stage 1 - Evolves from Tutinin |
特性 - ぬけがら - このポケモンがきぜつしても、相手はサイドを取れない。
のろいのしずく - ダメカンを3個、相手のポケモンに好きなようにのせる。 |
Ability - Empty Shell - When this Pokémon is Knocked Out, your opponent doesn't take any Prize cards.
Cursed Drop - Put 3 damage counters on your opponent's Pokémon in any way you like. |