The official Japanese Pokémon website has revealed that an Eievui event will take place at the Pokémon Center in Japan from
November 10th, 2012 until December 31st, 2012. A special Fes Mission will be available at all the Pokémon Centers for Japanese players of Pocket Monsters Black 2 and White 2. The mission changes a bit depending on what time period players receive the mission at the Pokémon Centers though as the time period determines which Pokémon players can get from the mission.
Mission Time Periods:
- November 10th until November 22nd - Showers / Thunders / Booster
- November 23rd until December 7th - Eifie / Blacky
- December 8th until December 21st - Leafia / Glacia
- December 22nd until December 31st - Eevee / Showers / Thunders / Booster / Eifie / Blacky / Leafia / Glacia
An Eievui centric
Pocket Monsters Best Wishes Season 2 episode will also take place on November 15th, 2012 at 7pm on TV Tokyo.
Pokémon Center Merchandise
To help promote the Eievui event, a lot of Eievui related merchandise will also be available through the month of November. There will also be some more merchandise in December. Below is a list of the merchandise that will be released on November 10th, 2012 and November 23rd, 2012.

Eievei and Eievei Evolution Plushies - 1200yen each

Melamine Plate and Bowl Set (メラミン丸皿&ボウルセット イーブイコレクション) - 1400 yen / Melamine Drinking Cup (メラミンタンブラー) - 600yen each

Place Mat and Coaster Set (ランチョンマット&コースターセット) - 1000yen per set

Eievui Collection Blanket (ブランケット イーブイコレクション) - 2400yen / Eievui File Collection (コレクションファイル イーブイコレクション) - 2100yen

Eievui Desk Case Collection (デッキケース イーブイコレクション) - 380yen
Sources: and