Today, we bring you exclusive names which were revealed at the 2007 Toy Fair in New York by Jakks Pacific. Many names have already been given, but among the new ones:
Pokemon | English Name | Japanese Name |
 | Bidoof | ビッパ |
 | Shinx | コリンク |
 | Budew | スボミー |
 | Roserade | ロズレイド |
 | Driftblim | フワライド |
 | Happiny | ピンプク |
 | Skorupi | スコルピ |
 | Croagunk | グレッグル |

Thanks goes to Philip Zeman of
ASMZine for providing the High Res Images making this possible.
*Update: Although, I'm too lazy to go searching for the place on the site, has recently posted that has now revealed Pokemon #407's name, Roserade, which has been added to the page. Thanks for that.
Also, you can also look at a full listing of the known 4th generation english names by visiting
this page. Note, this page is highly a work in progress.
The high resolution images are on the