The Pokemon Indigo League Box Set is set to be released on November 21, 2006. This collection allows viewers to go back to the series' beginning with the first 26 episodes of Season One. Indigo was originally released by Pioneer on DVD and only included 3 episodes per disk. They were quite expensive and hard to find. This should allow all Pokemon fans to continue their DVD collection at a more reasonable price point. The DVD's are 4:3 full screen, English Audio and Closed Captioned. Those hoping for remastered and/or dual audio will be disappointed that they are not part of the set. Electric Soldier Porygon and Legend of the Dratini are also not included on the set.
DVD Features
Region 1 3-Disc Boxed Set
Full Frame - 1.33
Audio: Stereo - English
Subtitles - English - Closed Captioned
Bonus/Interactive Features: Scene Selection