McDonalds Japan has revealed its Pokémon Happy Set line of toys that will be available starting on July 6th, 2018. The price of a Happy Set is between 460 and 500 yen depending on which food is purchased. There are 8 different toys in the set and each one comes with a Move Disc that matches the Pokémon type.
This Happy Set box design features Pikachu and Eievui all over the box. There are also cut outs of Pikachu, Eievui and Lugia on the back of the box which can be placed and played with on a Monster Ball pattern on the side of the box.

Pokémon Everyone's Quiz and Puzzle Book (ポケモン みんなのクイズ&パズルブック)
Those that purchase the Pokémon Happy Set on July 7th and 8th, 2018, a Pokémon Everyone's Quiz & Puzzle Book will be included which is filled with fun information such as latest information on the movie, manga, quizzes and puzzles. 1 book per Happy Set will be distributed while supplies last.
High resolution pictures from this Happy Set have been added to an Imageboard thread.
McDonalds Happy Set - July 2018 - Toys

Monster Ball Target Hit Water Gun / Pikachu's Go! Thunderbolt
モンスターボールのまとあて水でっぽう / ピカチュウのいけ!10まんボルト

Pikachu Target Hit Keyring / Eievui's "Fire! Swift"
ピカチュウのまとあてキーリング / イーブイのはなて!スピードスター

Mokuroh's Spin! Razor Leaf / Ashimari's Quick! Aqua Jet
モクローのまわる!はっぱカッター / アシマリのとびだす!アクアジェット

Nyabby's Quick! Flamethrower / Pikachu's Balance Puzzle
ニャビーのとびだす!かえんほうしゃ / ピカチュウのバランスパズル
YouTube Clips - McDonalds Happy Set
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