As part of the
Munch: A Retrospective (ムンク展―共鳴する魂の叫び) exhibit at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum which is on display from October 27th, 2018 until January 20th, 2019, 5 promo cards that are based off of
Munch's The Scream will be distributed in various ways. Miscellaneous goods based on Munch's The Scream will also be sold at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum "Munch Exhibition" 2F special shop, the Pokémon Center Online and others shops.
Higher resolution images of some of the merchandise from this promotion has been added to an Imageboard thread.
Standard Ticket Prices: General Admission 1,600 yen / College student / Vocational School Student 1,300 yen / High School Student 800 yen / Over 65 years old 1,000 yen
Pikachu Promo Card: Visiting the Exibition
Mimikkyu Promo Card: Comes with the
Pokémon Card Game Mini Card File Scream Pikachu/Eievui (ポケモンカードゲーム ミニカードファイル 叫びピカチュウ/イーブイ) released on October 27th, 2018 for 450yen + tax.
Koduck/Eievui/Mokuroh Promo Cards: Starting on November 2nd, 2018, those that purchase 2 booster packs at the Pokémon Center or Pokémon Stores will receive 1 of the 3 cards as random. This promotion though can not be combined with any other Pokémon Card Game campaign that is going on at the same time and the Pokémon Center Online will not be distributing these promo cards.
Sources: and
Munch's The Scream Pokémon Merchandise
In addition to the TCG cards being distributed, various other Pokémon goods that tie in with the Munch's The Scream exhibit will be available for sale.
Venue Limited Special Shop - Scream Pikachu Plush - 1400 yen (Tax Included)

Venue Limited Special Shop - Acrylic Key Holder - 5 types - Each 400 yen (Tax Included)