The popular
#PocketMonsters Imageboard has returned and is better than ever. For those that aren't familiar with an Imageboard, it is a type of Internet forum that revolves around the posting of images. You can submit or view Pokemon related pictures, photos, and fan art as well as post comments about them.
As part of this new board, we decided to start off the archive fresh. You can reupload old Images if you wish as they will be permanently archived on this new Imageboard. Please acquaint yourselves with the
Imageboard's Rules as they will be enforced. Eventually, we may add more features to the board. A link to the Imageboard has been added to the Main Menu for future reference. We hope you enjoy the
new Imageboard.
imageboard.pocketmonsters.net should now point to the new Imageboard, so your bookmarks won't have to be updated.