The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday,
Diamond & Pearl Returns 'Roaring Haganeil! Protect the Bippa Village!!' / 'Straw Pokémon, Part Two!' / 'Mystery Dungeon Personal Experiences & Pokemon Movie's Main Character Announcement' (ダイヤモンド&パールリターンズ「爆走ハガネール!ビッパの村を守れ!!」「わらしべポケモン第2弾!」「不思議のダンジョン新作体験&映画主役ポケモン発表」), aired on Sunday in Japan.
This weeks Pokémon Revival episode is 爆走ハガネール!ビッパの村を守れ!! (Roaring Haganeil! Protect the Bippa Village!!) which is the twenty-third episode of Diamond & Pearl. Satoshi and friends are continuing their way towards Floaroma Town for Hikari's next Pokémon contest. They see a Bidoof crying. Takeshi inspects it and sees that it is wounded.
In this weeks episode, there were many large announcements. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of the Sky (ポケモン不思議のダンジョン 空の探検隊) was announced and the box art and some gameplay screenshots were shown.
Arceus was also unveiled on the show.
The official website has also added pictures and information about Arceus. Higher resolution scans from yesterday's Corocoro issue with the announcements of Arceus and Explorers of the Sky are also
available on the Imageboard.

It was also announced this week and on the show that
Arceus would have a major role in the upcoming 12th Pocket Monsters movie. アルセウス超克の時空へ (Arceus - To the Conquering of Space-Time) is now the title of the movie and the new logo was revealed on the show,
on the official movie website and in
latest Corocoro issue.
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