Home / News Articles / PokéLids - Ikaruga Town, Nara Prefecture

Five new Pokémon Utility Hole Covers, PokéLids (Pokéfuta ポケふた), have been installed in Ikaruga Town, Nara Prefecture, Japan! A total of nine different Pokémon appear, including Entei, Dohtakun, and Baokkie! On Janurary 20th, 2021, an unveiling ceremony was held at the Horyuji i-Center (法隆寺iセンター). Pikachu appeared as a special guest to assist with the ceremony along with Mayor Nakanishi and Pago-chan (パゴちゃん), the Ikaruga Town Tourism Campaign Ambassador. More information about Pokémon Local Acts and PokéLids is available here. High resolution pictures taken from the unveiling event have been added to an Imageborad thread.


Each utility hole has its own original design, making it unique in the world, and the PokéLids will continue to be installed for years and decades to come. With the more than 140 PokéLids that have already been installed throughout Japan, they hope that these utility holes will provide an opportunity for many people throughout Japan and around the world to learn about the unique charm of Pokémon and Ikaruga Town. The PokéLids will gradually become Pokéstops in the location-based game Pokémon GO for smartphones.

Sources: http://www.town.ikaruga.nara.jp/0000001973.html and https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000248.000026665.html

YouTube Clip - TVN News - Pokéfuta appear in Ikaruga Town!

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Xhvr3FKmas
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