The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday,
Diamond & Pearl Returns 'Deciding Match! Pochama VS Pottaishi!!' / 'Robert Finds 'XX-doers' for a Direct Showdown at a Street Corner!' / Pokemon Game Arena 'News on Preordering Tickets for the Release of this Summer's Pokémon Movie & The First Ever Public Look at Arceus in the Game' (ダイヤモンド&パールリターンズ「決戦!ポッチャマVSポッタイシ!!」「ロバートが街角で見つけた“○○そうな人”たちが直接対決!」ポケモンゲームアリーナ「今年の夏公開されるポケモン映画の前売券情報&アルセウスのゲーム映像世界初公開」), aired on Sunday in Japan.
This weeks Pokémon Revival episode is 決戦!ポッチャマVSポッタイシ!!(Deciding Match! Pochama VS Pottaishi!!) which is the twenty-seventh episode of Diamond & Pearl.
The Notched Ear Pichu in the 12th Pocket Monsters Movie was announced as this years pre-order Pokemon.
The first ever public look at Arceus in the game was also shown.

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