The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday,
Special Collection of Goodbye Stories 'Farewell Dokucale!' / Four-Character Idiomatic Compound Quiz! / Pokémon Battrio S "Jirachi's Wish Episode" Inquiry (さよならストーリー特集「さよならドクケイル!」 / 四字熟語クイズ!/ ポケモンバトリオS「ジラーチの願い編」紹介), aired on Sunday in Japan.
This weeks Special Collection of Goodbye Stories is さよならドクケイル!(Farewell Dokucale!) which is the Seventy-Third episode of Diamond & Pearl. The episode starts off with Pikachu and Pochama walking together on the road and singing. After a few tunes, Pochama gets tired and stops. Musashi's Dokucale meets another Dokucale and becomes friends.
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