The producer of Pokémon Master Yu Sasaki posted an open letter about the game on the Pokémon Master's official website. The letter addresses the upcoming changes to the game including: Bea & Sirfetch’d debut, Special Event Phase 2: Land and Sea Awaken, the First Community Event and more!
A Message from the Pokémon Masters EX Team (Vol. 21)
Greetings, Trainers. We’re the producers of Pokémon Masters EX, Yu Sasaki and Tetsuya Iguchi, here with a new message for you. Today, we’ll tell you about updates from mid-May up to mid-June.
Bea & Sirfetch’d Debut
Bea & Sirfetch’d will debut in the sync pair scout on May 14, 2021. Bea & Sirfetch’d are a Fighting-type Strike Sync Pair that specialize in delivering critical hits.They have three Passive Skills: one that can increase their critical-hit rate upon entering a battle, one that can increase the power of their moves when landing a critical hit, and one that can nullify any reduction to their critical-hit rate. They can also use X Attack and X Speed.With their ability to quickly dish out decisive blows, this Sync Pair is a force to be reckoned with.
Special Event Phase 2: Land and Sea Awaken
On May 16, 2021, Special Event Phase 2: Land and Sea Awaken will begin.Groudon and Kyogre, which are causing the abnormal weather conditions on Pasio, will appear in this event. By using Weather Survey Tickets, you can battle against each of these Pokémon.You’ll be able to get Weather Survey Tickets from the log-in bonus that will be available at the same time as Special Event Phase 2—and from the item exchange as well. You can also get them from Special Event Phase 1: Weather Alert, which is currently under way.By winning event battles, you can earn items that you can exchange for 5★ Power-Ups, Co-op Sync Orbs, and more. So if you haven’t played the event yet, collect Weather Survey Tickets, join the fight, and go for all the rewards!
The First Community Event! Work Together to Get Rewards!
In Special Event Phase 2, rewards can be earned based on the total number of battles completed by all players. These rewards get better and better each time a certain number of battles are completed. Note that the rewards will be sent at a later date.There are a total of five milestones to complete, and they offer valuable items such as Gems, Co-op Sync Orbs, 5★ Power-Ups, and Move Candies. We hope you do your best to get all of the rewards!
You Can Get Special Gear, Too!
Also, special gear will be sent to all players based on which Pokémon is defeated more times. If Groudon is defeated more, players will receive a Team Magma Pin, and if Kyogre is defeated more, they’ll receive a Team Aqua Pin.At the midway point of the event, we’ll send out a progress report with the latest number of completions, so you can use that information to help you decide which one you want to take on.
Fire-Type Egg Event
The Fire-Type Egg Event will begin on May 19, 2021.This time, you’ll be able to get Eggs that can hatch Magby and Charmander.
At the same time as the Fire-Type Egg Event, Cobalion will return to the Legendary Arena.Cobalion is weak to Fire-type attacks, so if you’re lacking Fire-type Sync Pairs, try teaming up with some from the Fire-Type Egg Event before you challenge Cobalion.
Return of Story Event: Two Champions
The Two Champions Story Event will return on May 24, 2021.At the same time, Lance, Cynthia, Steven, and Sygna Suit Cynthia will each return to the sync pair scout.
Story Event: Masters of Land and Sea
The Masters of Land and Sea Story Event will begin in late May.Powerful Sync Pairs will appear in the sync pair scout during the event.
Main Story Addition
Chapter 29 of the Main Story will be added in early June. We’re getting closer and closer to the climax of the Main Story, so we hope you look forward to the exciting conclusion.
Return of Legendary Event: The Beast That Devours the Sun
The Legendary Event The Beast That Devours the Sun will return in early June.When the event begins, the Player Character & Solgaleo Sync Pair obtainable from the event will have their level cap unlocked up to Lv. 135 and their Sync Grid expanded.
New Event: Daily Region Rotation
As we mentioned in a previous message, we would like to give players more chances to add Sync Pairs to their teams. With this in mind, a new event called the Daily Region Rotation will begin on June 9, 2021.
Earn Battle Points to Team Up with New Sync Pairs!
By completing battles in the Daily Region Rotation, you can earn Battle Points.By collecting enough Battle Points, you’ll be able to get BP Sync Pair Vouchers or BP Sync Pair Super Vouchers, which you can exchange for special Sync Pairs.You’ll also be able to get 5★-Guaranteed Scout Tickets, 5★ Power-Ups, and other rewards based on the total number of Battle Points that you’ve earned, so be sure to take on battles daily.
Note that you can also get Battle Points from other events, such as the Masters of Land and Sea Story Event coming in late May.
Sync Pairs with Themes of Certain Regions Get a Strength Bonus
In the Daily Region Rotation, Sync Pairs that have Themes of certain regions will get a strength bonus.The regions that receive the bonus will change periodically, so we hope you train many different Sync Pairs in preparation.
In addition, there will be multiple difficulties that you can attempt in the event. The higher the difficulty, the bigger the strength bonus your Sync Pairs will receive.The high-difficulty battles may be difficult to complete without using Sync Pairs that get the bonus, but we’ve made sure that the rewards will be worth the effort.You can take on only one battle per day, so think carefully about which difficulty you want to try.The first region to get a strength bonus for its theme will be Kanto.
Available Sync Pairs
Here’s a look at some of the Sync Pairs you’ll be able to add to your team with BP Sync Pair Vouchers and BP Sync Pair Super Vouchers.

Player Character & Regirock

Zinnia & Salamence

Morty & Mismagius
More details regarding each Sync Pair’s capabilities will be available when they debut.Moving forward, we plan to add even more Sync Pairs that you can team up with by exchanging BP Sync Pair Vouchers and BP Sync Pair Super Vouchers.
After the Main Story Is Completed, a New Story Unfolds
Finally, we’d like to tell you a little bit about the new story that will begin after the Main Story is completed.The new story will focus on characters who have a certain something in common, and it will have a more serious tone.We hope you look forward to it!
What to Expect in the Next Message
Our next message is scheduled for late June. In it, we plan to discuss updates from late June to July.
We’re always working hard to deliver updates and improvements that make the world of Pokémon Masters EX as fun as possible.
Until next time, thank you for playing Pokémon Masters EX.
Pokémon Masters EX Producer: Yu Sasaki
Operations Producer: Tetsuya Iguchi