Media Factory's website has announced two new DVD box sets entitled Pokémon TV Animation Collection DVD DX Box (ポケモンTVアニメコレクションDVD DX). The two DVD Box sets:
Pokémon TV Animation Collection DVD DX Pikachu Box (ポケモンTVアニメコレクションDVD DX ピカチュウBOX) and
Pokémon TV Animation Collection DVD DX Pochama Box (ポケモンTVアニメコレクションDVD DX ポッチャマBOX) have been added to the DVD database.
The boxsets go on sale July 8th at participating 7-11's across Japan. The price for each box set will be 798yen including tax. The DVD's will contain 2 full episodes of Diamond and Pearl with a running time of approximately 52 minutes. The box sets will also contain 2 badges featuring Arceus and Jagged-ear Pichu from the twelfth Pocket Monsters movie. Like previous Pocket Monsters DVD's sold at 7-11, a flavored Ramune soda is also included.