The 5th set of Takara TOMY
I choose you! Get Pokémon Plushies (キミにきめた!ポケモンゲットぬいぐるみ) is now available and was released in late December 2021. This time, there are eight new plushies to joining the collection including: Hitokage, Fushigibana, Bashamo, Pachirisu, Giratina (Altered Forme), Mijumaru, Yancham, and Armorga. When combined with the first through fourth sets of plushies currently on sale, there are a total of 48 Pokémon! The fluffy texture and plastic eyes are the key. Find your own partner and go on an adventure with them!

Mijumaru, Hitokage: 2,189 yen each

Yancham, Pachirisu,: 2,189 yen each

Fushigibana: 4,398 yen | Armorga: 3,298 yen

Bashamo: 3,298 yen | Giratina (Altered Forme): 4,398 yen
Item List (English):
Hitokage, Pachirisu, Mijumaru, Yancham: 2,189 yen each
Bashamo, Armorga: 3,298 yen each
Fushigibana, Giratina (Altered Forme): 4,398 yen each
Item List (Japanese):
Sources: and