Get ready for a shocking display of power! Electivire Frontier Brain LV.X is a crackling new card from the Pokémon TCG: Platinum - Supreme Victors expansion. Electivire Frontier Brain LV.X’s powerful attack and its Energy-generating Poké-Power will leave your opponents stunned! This Lightning-type Pokémon is part of the Frontier Brain Pokémon SP collection in Supreme Victors.
The black-and-yellow striped Electivire Frontier Brain LV.X (144/147) is like a warning sign to your opponent: Beware—high voltage ahead! A Pokémon trained by the renowned Frontier Brain Thorton, Electivire Frontier Brain LV.X will shower the entire battlefield with sparks. Its Energy Recycle Poké-Power lets you dig three Energy cards out of your discard pile and attach them to your Pokémon in any way you see fit, but doing so means it’s the last action you can take in that turn—no attacking. At least not yet. To further expand your Energy-building options, you can use Electivire Frontier Brain’s (4/147) Dump and Draw attack (which forces you to discard Energy) to keep Energy Recycle charged up. And attaching lots of Energy to your Benched Pokémon turn after turn makes Electivire Frontier Brain LV.X’s Powerful Spark attack a shock to the Defending Pokémon’s system! It does 30 damage plus another 10 damage for every Energy card you have in play—so, you can see how well Energy Recycle and Powerful Spark work hand-in-hand!