Scan from the September issue of CoroCoro have revealed new information on Heart Gold and Soul Silver.
- Apricorns (ぼんぐり - Bonguri) are returning to the series. Players also have the ability to grow them as well using the SquirtBottle (ゼニガメじょうろ - Zenigame Watering Can) to grow them and they're stored in an item called the Apricorn Case.
- The following Pokéballs are also returning:
- Fast Ball (スピードボール - Speed Ball):
Capture rate of fleeing Pokémon is 4x.
- Friend Ball (フレンドボール - Friend Ball):
The Happiness of a captured Pokémon is increased to 200.
- Heavy Ball (ヘビーボール - Heavy Ball):
Good at capturing heavy Pokémon
- Level Ball (レベルボール - Level Ball):
The effectiveness of the Pokéball depends on the players current Pokémon's level.
- Love Ball (ラブラブボール - Love Love Ball):
Captures the opposite gendered of the players current Pokémon easier.
- Lure Ball (ルアーボール - Lure Ball):
Captures Pokémon caught with the Fishing Rod easier.
- Moon Ball (ムーンボール - Moon Ball):
Captures Pokémon that evolve with the Moon Stone easier.
The Safari Zone (サファリゾーン) also returns.
The Kanto region (カントー地方) returns in Heart Gold & Soul Silver. A new Battle Frontier style facility to the west of Olivine City (アサギシティ - Asagi City) has been announced.
The National Park's Bug Catching Contest is making a return. This contest features capturing the best Bug Pokémon you can.
Rayquaza (レックウザ) can be caught at a later point in the game and it is a Level 50.
More scans from the latest issue can be found on the
Imageboard thread.