More scans from the latest issue of Corocoro have been released and more information about the upcoming games Heart Gold and Soul Silver has been announced.

You can click on the above pictures for a higher resolution scan. Below is a list of information from the pictures.
- Apricorns (ぼんぐり - Bonguri) can now be used in drinks by using a new item called the BonShaker (ボンシェイカー) to help increase your Pokémon's Pokéthlon statistics. Apricorns can only be picked from the tree once a day though.
- New Pokéthlon events were revealed:
- Break Block (ブレイクブロック): The player uses their Pokémon to break bricks.
- Change Relay (チェンジリレー): This is a new race where players control one Pokémon at a time as they race against other Pokémon.
- Push Circle (プッシュサークル): Players Pokémon battle in a ring.
- The CoroCoro articles also revealed that players can customize the Safari Zone layout.
- Kyogre (カイオーガ) can be caught in Heart Gold and Groudon (グラードン) can be caught in Soul Silver. Both Pokémon are Level 50.