The Kyoto Cross Media Experience 2009 was held this week from Saturday, September 26 to Sunday, October 4, 2009 in Kyoto, Japan.
"Kyoto has become a leading region in Japan for the creation of content such as movies, games, and manga and has long been endowed with rich resources related to this content such as tradition and culture, sightseeing, fashion, robot research, music, and cuisine. By pursuing the cross-media development of content such as movies and videos, games, manga and animations, this project aims to widely disseminate information on the attractions of the new content industries both in Japan and overseas and to promote human resource development to support these industries and their exchange. " (
Kyoto CMEX)

At this year's Kyoto Cross Media Experience, Nintendo had a large booth that included Melee! Pokémon Scramble (乱戦!ポケモンスクランブル) stations for people to play the game and a Yellow Forest (きいろのもり) download station. Players could have the course transferred for use on their PokéWalker. A Pikachu hat was also distributed to the children at the event.

Director Lucario and Sableye from Pokémon Sunday were also on hand October 3rd to help promote Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSivler which were launched in Japan a few weeks ago. Visitors could participate in a Pokémon Battle on stage with them. On October 4th, Chief Golgo and Professor Red were also in attendance.

Reserve Pikachu (とっておきピカチュウ) was also being distributed at the event. Players of Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold or SoulSilver could get the Pikachu transferred to their cart. This Pikachu is different than the one that was being distributed in the Yellow Forest (きいろのもり) PokéWalker course. The Pikachu is level 30 with an IDno. of 10039. The capture location is Kyoto (キョウト) and it knows Last Resort (とっておき), Present (プレゼント), Thunderbolt (10まんボルト) and Quick Attack (でんこうせっか). The Pikachu cannot be distributed over GTS.
Pictures from the event are available on the
Imageboard thread.
http://www.nintendo.co.jp/n10/k-cmex2009/index.html and