Rusutsu Resort located in Abuta-gun, Hokkaido, Japan has once again announced a new Pokémon event area for the winter season. Pokémon Kids Snow Park (ポケモンキッズスノーパーク) is a kids friendly ski area where children can have fun with Pokémon.
The Pokémon areas include:
- Pokémon Tube Course (ポケモンチューブコース)
- Exciting Tube Monster Ball (わくわくチューブモンスターボール)
- Mischievous Tamanta (わんぱくタマンタ)
- Pokémon Snow Play Plaza (ポケモン雪あそび広場)
- Kids ski slopes (キッズゲレンデスキーコース)
- Pokémon snow figures (ポケモン雪像)
The admission fee of the kids park (with kids helmet rental) is 1500 yen. The guardian's admission fee is free as children 2-9 years old require guardian supervision.
It was also announced that a Pokémon Center Rusutsu branch (ポケモンセンター ルスツ) will open from December 23rd 2009 to January 17th 2010 and will sell Pokémon related goods.
http://park3.wakwak.com/~pokepale/ &