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The POKÉMON COLORS exhibition, will be changing venues to be held in Yokohama and will be there for visitors attending the 2023 Pokémon World Championships to check it out.

POKÉMON COLORS is an interactive project consisting of four activities and one installation. The space is filled with rich colors and sounds, and delivers a new experience while enjoying physical activities such as biking and fishing with Pokémon that appear on the big screen.

At the merchandise corner, products featuring the Monster Ball, the logo of this project, and original goods only available at the Yokohama venue will be on sale. The logo has been updated to "POKÉMON COLORS YOKOHAMA". The updated logo will help to boost the excitement for the Yokohama event! Unlike the previous venues that had a Pokémon Center Branch Outlet, the merchandise sales area for the Yokohama exhibition is open only to those with admission tickets.



Period: Wednesday, July 26th, 2023 to Friday, August 18th, 2023
Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. (tentative)
Location: Yokohama Landmark Hall, 5th floor of Landmark Plaza
Advance tickets: Adults 1,000 yen / Junior and senior high school students 800 yen / Elementary school students 500 yen
At the door: Adults 1,200 yen / Junior high school and high school students 1,000 yen / Elementary school students 500 yen

Source: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000219.000043503.html
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